Author Topic: Ten Years Ago Today, Jan. 14, 2014, Rohrbaugh Firearms was sold to Remington.  (Read 18361 times)

Offline ECR

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Ten Years Ago Today, January 14, 2014, Rohrbaugh Firearms was sold to Remington Arms Corp.

I brought this to my brother Karl's attention just an hour ago. He responded. . . . . . My, how time flies! 

I have here some photographs just taken of my personal R9 Pistols:   

*  R9 #2
*  ILGVARS-1 (I built this for a good friend of mine who was in a WWII Nazi concentration camp as a child in Latvia)
*  R6336 "The Last Rohrbaugh" 

It was quite the trip for us and it would have been impossible without the devotion of our fans and believers in our design back in January of 2002 at The S.H.O.T. Show, just post 9/11.

There is only one #1, and back then, that was us with "The World's Smallest and Lightest 9mm Handgun".

The Rohrbaugh R9 Series 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol. The NRA Shooting Illustrated "Handgun of the Year" for 2005!

Thank you all for your belief in our product. The R9. . . . . The one that gave you the "Micro 9" niche. . . . . Everyone else followed.

Stay safe, Stay well, and Stay vigilant.

Sincere Regards to All,

Eric C. Rohrbaugh

« Last Edit: January 14, 2024, 05:32:55 PM by ECR »
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

Offline cargaritaville

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Great collection!
Having a gun in your hand is much more effective than having the entire police department on the phone!

Offline ccoorreeyy

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That #2!!!!!

Offline backupr9

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Beautiful historic collection!  It is hard to believe that it has been ten years.  I had ol’ 4700 out to the range last week…flawless as usual.
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
Thomas Jefferson

Endur Fortis

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Wow.  10 years?  That can't be true.  ;)

It was a good ride.  I miss the days of seeing you all at the SHOT Show, and all the excitement that went along with it.  You and Karl definitely made your mark in the firearms world!

Happy new year!


Duane (DDGator)
Rohrbaugh Forum Administrator

Offline ECR

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Wow.  10 years?  That can't be true.  ;)

It was a good ride.  I miss the days of seeing you all at the SHOT Show, and all the excitement that went along with it.  You and Karl definitely made your mark in the firearms world!

Happy new year!


It certainly was fun Duane. We enjoyed having you at the Farmingdale, NY shop and seeing you at SHOT Show events through the years. You did an amazing job setting up this here forum for us all too. Thank you for everything you did for us!

Eric R.

Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

Offline ECR

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Beautiful historic collection!  It is hard to believe that it has been ten years.  I had ol’ 4700 out to the range last week…flawless as usual.

That's great to hear!  As you may recall, the R4700 was something special I made for a good friend of mine years ago. Glad to hear it lives on with a wonderful owner and enthusiast!

Eric R.
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

Offline ECR

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That #2!!!!!

Stop your drooling Corey!  LOL.

Eric R.
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

Offline cargaritaville

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ECR: What a perfect time to announce the beginning of the R45 going into production!...And then I woke up.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2024, 08:22:06 AM by cargaritaville »
Having a gun in your hand is much more effective than having the entire police department on the phone!

Offline ccoorreeyy

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The company and the guns you made were …exceptional!

You aren’t defined by them.

I think those of us who have come to know you and have benefitted from your knowledge see you as a kind, intelligent, honorable and giving friend.

It was a memorable chapter.  On the whole, the book is better.

Offline backupr9

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"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
Thomas Jefferson

Endur Fortis

Offline ECR

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ECR: What a perfect time to announce the beginning of the R45 going into production!...And then I woke up.

Well. . . . . . . Karl has been working with a few people in the industry behind the scenes on that R45 we had at one of the SHOT Shows.  Not sure if it will get done, however, I can tell you. . . . . . It's not dead either.
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

Offline ECR

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The company and the guns you made were …exceptional!

You aren’t defined by them.

I think those of us who have come to know you and have benefitted from your knowledge see you as a kind, intelligent, honorable and giving friend.

It was a memorable chapter.  On the whole, the book is better.

Thank you Chris.  Funny thing is that I started to write a book about my part of this story from early on to current times. I only got to complete my earlier life and a few other areas. I was going to continue to fill in the blanks and finish that project, but I haven't felt up to completing things at this point. I sits within my computer at this time. Being tomorrow is my birthday, perhaps I will give it some consideration to continue writing it. We'll see. . . . . . .

« Last Edit: January 19, 2024, 10:23:30 PM by ECR »
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

Offline backupr9

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Well, Happy Birthday Eric!
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
Thomas Jefferson

Endur Fortis