Thank you, Mike. I’m excited about it.
I’d mentioned earlier that I wanted to get a 300 blackout in a longer barrel than the Sig Rattler. I foolishly bought a Desert Tech chasis in hopes that a Micron sized 300 blackout would be introduced or that I could figure out how to make one. That hasn’t worked out. Iit’s not just as easy as swapping a barrel, as with an AR 15. I guess they use a different bolt face.
In any event, I’m going to sell it because I bought a Faxon 8.6 blackout, with the 8 1/2 inch barrel. I got a Dead Air Primal suppressor, but what I don’t have is ammo.

. I’m not sure it won’t be a year for that to come to market.
All these things are for small, quiet packages for the mountains. I think I’m getting pretty close!