Looks like one of the new flavors this year is the bolt action pistol with an arm brace.
Where were these guns when I tried silhouette shooting decades ago with a TC Contender.
(Yes, I remember the XP-100, which was out of my range.)
Mike, I had to laugh when I saw this post.
Tried to shoot silhouette is exactly what I did, I tried and that was about it.
I also used a Contender and started out with a 10" 44 mag barrel with very little success. I though maybe less recoil would help so I went to a 10" 357 Max barrel and the blast made everyone mad at me and I still had little success. I dropped down to 357 mag loads in the same barrel and again was finishing in the bottom 1/3 of the competitors.
I even went to a 32-20 barrel for the chickens and that helped a little but I still was below the mean. Scopes or iron sites, it made no difference.
I finally realized that no matter how big or how loud a gun I shot, the damn targets won't go down unless I hit them and I gave up.
Silhouette was somewhat popular at our club for a short while, but many like me found it beyond our skill level and it finally was dropped. It did not help that the same guy won every match that I ever attended and it continued that way for several years.