The LCR has more recoil than my Rohrbaugh R9 which is to be expected, and it has more recoil than my Charter Arms PITBULL, which I guess is also to be expected, but I was surprised by how much more recoil the LCR had versus the 9mm PITBULL.
Driving home from the range I discovered I have a blister on the underside of my trigger finger

Ididn't have any bullets come undone. I shot 5 rounds of bonded 147gr Remington Golden Saber, 15 rounds of 124gr Gold Dot and 10 rounds of 147gr Lawman TMJ.
The moon clips are super easy to use, no tool required, the cartridges are easy to clip into the moon clip and they're easy to take out of the moon clip. I didn't have any problems with extraction, no sticky cylinders or anything like that. The revolver will fire cartridges without the moon clip, and poking out the spent cases wasn't hard at all.
I'm a sucker for 9mm revolvers but this one isn't fun at all to shoot at the range. If I reloaded I could shoot lighter loads though it but I don't reload. Maybe if I shot that 100gr Hornady Lite, but that's expensive ammo to just practice with.