Did we piss off any magazine publishers or writers or such? Not to my knowledge nor intent. The reason you don't see anything about the Rohrbaugh R9 Pistols in the Harris listings is they publish current guns only, not companies who were sold or went belly up. Same holds true for any buyers guide from 2014 on. . . . . . . We were none-existent at that point. A "Buyers Guide" is just that and usually not a history book. I know they often write about firearms in the beginning of these guides that changed things up in the industry, but as many of you know, we were always the underdog and many people never believed in our products, especially being relatively pricey firearms right out of the box, dare we sell them at an even higher price point!? Material costs, building lease costs, insurance costs, attorney costs, etc. all went up every year, but higher ups than me in the company refused to even raise the pricing to at least cover the cost of living "inflation" expenses! A little caveat about pricing. . . . . A certain custom gun maker, who I will not say but you all know him and many of you may even own a handgun or two of his, said to us early on at one of The S.H.O.T. Shows in Las Vegas was that he couldn't understand why we were selling them so cheap when we could get around the $1,800 mark all day long for one of these handmade R9s and that we were selling them way too low, leaving money on the table. That may have been a factor as to why it was always so difficult for us. I wanted to bring the price point up a bit to compensate for these viably real issues, but others above me were "gun shy" to do so. Sad to say. . . . . I never pursued the issue after that.