Author Topic: A cop pulls you over and you’re armed. What are you supposed to do? Massad Ayoob  (Read 13178 times)

Offline cargaritaville

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« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 10:19:06 AM by cargaritaville »
Having a gun in your hand is much more effective than having the entire police department on the phone!

Offline JoshA

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This is a good one. Thanks for posting it Norm.
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Offline MRC

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Very interesting.

I have heard it both ways.  Most that I have talked to suggest leaving well enough alone and not producing the permit unless you are ask to get out of the car which is not a routine stop.

Offline tracker

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I would not recommend not telling the officer that you have a concealed carry permit. It is easy enough for them to do a quick check on their onboard computer to see if you have one. I was stopped by a Texas State Trooper for speeding between Houston and Dallas several years ago. I gave him both licenses when asked for my driver's license. He asked if I had my weapon with me. I answered yes and he asked me to tell him the location without pointing at it. I answered his question and he very politely gave me a written warning that was expunged after a period of time. They can easily become upset and suspicious if you try to conceal your concealed carry license. The Texas CHL course emphasizes showing the officer both licenses at once, whether you have the pistol with you or not.

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I do not know what the answer is tracker, but my CCW Instructor and two friends who are LEO's said that no harm is done by not telling the Officer.  In their opinion, some Officers might get carried away on something that is legal and none of their business.

If the stop goes beyond a routine traffic stop, buy all means it is then the Officer's business to know.

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I am just relaying my positive experience with full disclosure. Of course, Texas State Troopers are toward the top of the food chain in law enforcement personnel here.

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And most LEO's that I have known are very good at what they do and I respect them and their authority very much.

But on the other hand, when I am legal I see no advantage to me in giving them more information than they are asking for.  JMO

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That is what makes a forum; I see no disadvantage in showing it to them. There are exceptions: for example, if I were pulled over by a drunk deputy sheriff in Notrees, TX, I probably wouldn't volunteer anything except my driver's license and registration. 
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 06:11:42 PM by tracker »

Offline cargaritaville

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My brother-in-law is a Deputy Sheriff in Notrees, Tx!
Having a gun in your hand is much more effective than having the entire police department on the phone!

Offline tracker

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There you go!

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In Michigan one is required to disclose.

Offline mannylinda

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In Louisiana, which is a open carry state, as soon as your DL is run a CCW note appears on the screen. On your person required to disclose when detained for any reason, driving, walking, sleeping. In your vehicle, and not on your person consider the same as in your home.

Offline tracker

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Here is the Texas Law on this subject:

There is a requirement to show the CHL if there is a gun on or about one's person. By inference of omission I conclude that if one is stopped for a traffic violation and no handgun is present there is no requirement to show the CHL.

The Texas legislature just passed open carry, including college campuses, and is waiting for Governor Abbott's signature. There is a lot of concern about the campus issue and will require some clarification.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 11:31:34 AM by tracker »

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Re: A cop pulls you over and you’re armed. What are you supposed to do?
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2015, 11:22:54 AM »

In Florida you are not required to disclose.  I have been stopped while carrying.  My strategy is to not say anything unless asked to step out of the which time you have more trouble than just a ticket anyway.

Duane (DDGator)
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I agree Duane.

Since I have watched the video I have been pondering it over and I can not come up with a single scenario where it would benefit either myself or the Officer to let him know I am carrying a legal firearm unless he asks.