i really liked this because the interviewer asked the really difficult questions and Massab answered them with an authoritative and confident poise that was born from knowing his stuff more than anyone else at the time IMO.
A lot of things I have picked up over the years were verified. Some were debunked.
This is an old school interview that makes it particularly good to me. It was before he had said the same thing over and over so many times he was a machine. This was the young Maas whose intellect shined through a vocabulary the size of a medical dictionary.
There is also a weariness in his eyes from what I guess is from untold hours training and writing on the subject that later took him to the top of his ranks as an instructor, writer and witness in his field.
I imagine someone will come up with "the Massab ayoob garbage" statement, but the things he was saying with authority 25 years ago on video are not debunked 25 years later. In fact on the contrary they are somewhat the staple of what we typically deem as relevant.
One statement about .40 and 10mm is quite interesting. It was brand new when this was made.
Well if you are serious about self defense and sidearm protection you owe it to yourself to check this out and at least see if it holds anything for you.
I found it riveting personally. It's hard to gain access to this type of candid experience in today's politically correct world.
Just watch it 👍