Author Topic: Wish to have a forum archive of Eric's various posts explaining history  (Read 16974 times)

Offline backupr9

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Eric is posting great little tidbits of history of the Rohrbaugh line since inception.  These bits of history are irreplaceable.  I am not very computer savvy, but could someone archive any of ECR's posts that reflect history of the R9/380 production such as the recent post on the reason for the "A" suffix on some serial numbers?
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
Thomas Jefferson

Endur Fortis

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Funny you should say that -- we are working on a new format that would have an "Ask Eric" type forum.  Some changes are in the works.

Duane (DDGator)
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Good news!

Offline backupr9

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Great!  Thanks Duane.
"Those who would sacrifice a little freedom for a little order, will lose both, and deserve neither." 
Thomas Jefferson

Endur Fortis