Author Topic: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh  (Read 54484 times)

Offline JoshA

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #30 on: February 28, 2015, 11:14:16 AM »

Wow that picture is somewhat inspiring to this gunhead.

Makes me imagine whole new realms of what an R9 can look like. Never saw that coming. VERY COOL.

Thanks for breaking that pic out Eric.

Its a bit hard to tell, is the slide polished Eric?
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #31 on: February 28, 2015, 12:41:13 PM »

What is the finish treatment on the grips, Eric? Were those originally AlumaGrips?

Offline Richard S

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #32 on: February 28, 2015, 01:13:17 PM »
*** Let's face it . . . . Carrying the R9 does not wear out the workings of it, does it!? Not at all! So, all of you folks who cleaned it and put the away in your safes a "Safe Queens". . . . Bring them back out and carry them. I would limit firing it at this time, however, if you put a magazine through it and it functions well. . . . . it is certainly fine and capable to carry it. If it works when you are done servicing it, don't hide it. . . . Carry it! 

Nuff said. . . . ecr

Absolute gospel!


[Two weeks short of 11 years of EDC for R9 No. 132.]
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 01:17:22 PM by Richard S »
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2015, 06:31:13 PM »

Wow that picture is somewhat inspiring to this gunhead.

Makes me imagine whole new realms of what an R9 can look like. Never saw that coming. VERY COOL.

Thanks for breaking that pic out Eric.

Its a bit hard to tell, is the slide polished Eric?

Yes, Josh. Donato wanted to try his hand at polishing, so he did it at the shop himself. He was only with us for about three years or so before we sold the company to Remington. He came in as an apprentice under me. . . . . and he did wonderful things here at Rohrbaugh. I was able to offer him jobs with some of our venders and competition, but he would have had to move out of state. He did not want to do that as his parents needed help, so as a young man in his early 20s, he did the honorable thing and remains here on the Island working locally in a gun shop. I'm proud of what he decided to do. . . . . a young lad in his twenties taking care of his parents and their home because their family situation dictated he needed to do so. Rare today for these young kids to step up to the plate and do that like the old days.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 06:42:20 PM by ECR »
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #34 on: February 28, 2015, 06:39:18 PM »

What is the finish treatment on the grips, Eric? Were those originally AlumaGrips?

That is exactly what they are Tracker. . . . . A standard set of AlumaGrips we had made. These are the gray anodized color. In stock we had black, gray, olive and silver. We were selling them for a time, but we found that with the aluminum grip against the aluminum frame there was an issue of the grip screws loosening up after just one magazine of ammunition through the gun. . . . Even with medium Loctite on the screws! We gave up selling those and had cases of them laying around for years. While they do look good for a presentation piece, I wouldn't use them on my carry gun. It's sad those didn't work out so well. . . . . . I can tell you it cost a bunch of cash to find that out!  Oh well. . . . . . Next grip set material please.  lol
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

Offline JoshA

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #35 on: February 28, 2015, 06:40:09 PM »

Wow that picture is somewhat inspiring to this gunhead.

Makes me imagine whole new realms of what an R9 can look like. Never saw that coming. VERY COOL.

Thanks for breaking that pic out Eric.

Its a bit hard to tell, is the slide polished Eric?

Yes, Josh. Donato wanted to try his hand at polishing, so he did it at the shop himself. He was only with us for about three years or so before we sold the company to Remington. He came in as an apprentice under me. . . . . and he did wonderful things here at Rohrbaugh. I was able to offer him jobs with some of our venders and competition, but he would had had to move out of state. He did not want to do that as his parents needed help, so as a young man in his early 20s, he did the honorable thing and remains here on the Island working locally in a gun shop. I'm proud of what he decided to do. . . . . a young lad in his twenties taking care of his parents and their home because their family situation dictated he needed to do so. Rare today for these young kids to step up to the plate and do that like the old days.

Rare and impressive indeed. Sounds like a guy whose character is as sterling as the pistol he helped to customize. Great story. 
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

Offline ECR

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #36 on: February 28, 2015, 06:46:00 PM »
True Josh. Little inside scoop stories such as this are what I hope to present as we move forward here on the forum. I hope you all here and Duane don't mind. If it is out of place, please let me know via a PM here and I will stay to simply answering questions about the R9 workings instead. No disrespect intended as I enter the forum arena.


Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #37 on: February 28, 2015, 07:07:17 PM »

Please keep 'em coming, Eric.

Offline JoshA

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #38 on: February 28, 2015, 07:24:48 PM »

Please keep 'em coming, Eric.


Here here.

We all need good stories. Of course I guess we could just listen to the news for such stories of inspiration... On second thought, keep em coming : )
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #39 on: March 01, 2015, 08:50:19 AM »

It is great to hear the stories. Please continue.

Offline mz368

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2015, 07:11:38 AM »
Yes.  Please keep them coming.


Offline gtf2859

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #41 on: March 04, 2015, 04:16:17 PM »
I just joined this group.  I bought an R9 in May 2007.  I 've never had a problem with the gun.  I know I can speak for all of us to say thank you for making the smallest best 9mm on the market.  Whoever saw this gun of mine thought I was the luckiest person around for having it.  While I'm not wealthy,  people have made me feel wealthy telling me they just couldn't afford one,  and making me feel special that I had one.   I've never had the best or most expensive of anything, except this gun.   Long live the Rohrbaugh line.

Offline Richard S

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #42 on: March 04, 2015, 09:05:06 PM »

True wealth is not measured in material things but in one's state of mind and overall philosophy, including an appreciation of art when it is manifested as an exquisite combination of form and function.  You have decided to own an R9.  I do not know you personally, but that single decision sets you apart as one likely to be quite "wealthy" in many ways.

Welcome to the Forum.
(1963-1967) "GO ARMY!"

Offline ECR

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #43 on: March 05, 2015, 07:37:12 AM »
You two gentlemen, gtf2859 and Richard, just made me choke up with good tears this morning on the Island with a light snow falling past my window overlooking the evergreens. Picture perfect setting to have read these statements this morning. Thank you and everyone from the bottom of my heart for such humbling thoughts. I only wish we could have continued in a better light. I will do my best here within your forum in whatever capacity I may.

  . . . . . oh and yes gtf ~ Welcome to the forum.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 07:39:13 AM by ECR »
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

Offline Brenden

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Re: Introducing myself - Eric C. Rohrbaugh
« Reply #44 on: March 14, 2015, 12:38:09 AM »
    Wanted to let you know how much your input is appreciated here!
I fell absolutely hard for the Pup and for awhile tried to own everyone I could!! ;) at least it seemed like it...

I bought my first,and second R9 sight unseen! That's how secure I felt about it! Carried one ever since and I've been here since day two of the forum I believe!

Looking forward to what lies ahead for the forum and it's new members!!
Welcome aboard!
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