First of all, welcome. I think we needed the boost.
I have had my R9,(R5201) for 3 years maybe. I bought it new thru a friend who also is one of our county sheriff deputies that in addition has an FFL. I have had Glocks, S&W,Ed Browns, and one Nighthawk. I currently have a Glock 27,Glock 42,Ed Brown Kobra Lightweight,Knighthawk T3,and my R9.
A few months back I went to call the company to order something, and check on the status of the 45, and of course I couldn't get thru. So obviously I went to this forum which I hadn't been on in some time. I was truly shocked when I realized what had transpired. That's when I decided to purchase the 42.I figured maybe my Rohrbaugh should be thoroughly cleaned and put in its original box, and put away.However,I seem to constantly get it back out and carry it.My 42 is ok and I love my Kobra,but it's still a bit heavy, even thou the frame is aluminum.
There isn't anything that comes close to the comfort I feel when carrying my R9.I shoot pistol league weekly year around, so I'm pretty familiar with handguns. I don't know what is going to happen in the future with any kind of part and service support, and I suspect you can't say a whole lot,however,you made a fantastic gun, and I take my hat off to you, your brother, and all that were involved in your company.