Love reading Ayoob's stuff. Note, however, that most of these were LEO gunfights, often with shotguns. Hickock could have stepped behind a building and walked away. The average JQ citizen is highly unlikely to require 40 rounds (would likely be long dead), or have run away, or have never been placed in danger. Also note the reference to a pelvis shot, something I have discussed in another thread...a good way to put someone on the ground, but he then must be finished or you must seek cover or run. It's sort of the Law of Diminishing one of us is likely to run into someone toting a .223 and two pistols. If we do, a .45 and two extra mags is not likely be ultimately any more effective than a 7 shot 9mm and I would just feel really silly with an AR under my raincoat all day. I carry larger and carry extra on occasion, but only when I'm feeling fey, or when circumstances suggest increased risk.