Thank you all.
It was fortunate that I had only a son by previous marriage. I found it easy to raise a son. My philosophy was to teach him to swim, fight, ride, shoot, hunt, fish, and respect women. The rest, I assumed, would fall in place. And so it proved to be. He could swim before he could walk and is now a marine biologist with a Masters degree from St. Andrews in Scotland who spends about as much time under water as out of it.
If I had been given a daughter to raise I fear I would have built a bubble around her and thereby incurred her lasting resentment. You all know those "Ten Rules for Dating My Daughter," the tenth one of which ends with the words, "The camouflaged face in the bushes will be mine." It is probably better in my case that I acquired my two beautiful daughters as fully grown ladies with advanced degrees. And when the husband of the younger of the two proved to be unworthy it was my distinct and extraordinary pleasure to handle her divorce. (The defendant hardly knew what hit him.)
But enough introspection. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! My beloved little wife is finally on the mend, family is coming to Critter Creek, and life is good again.