I got a chuckle from Tracker's advice. I think I offered essentially the same in our PM chats, in re: your G27. Pick one and be done.
-That said, (as I did) I do get the "hobby" of it. As I know that you do too.
I enjoy reading, researching, and talking about this stuff. As I know that you do too.
We just always need to separate
that from what we actually
do every day.
Every day we need to be properly prepared to act appropriately.
I saw a couple of cars today, at the evidence impound, riddled with bullet holes. I do not know what caliber they were. One looked like 9mm/.40 and one like .45 (they were bigger.
The shooting (meaning the effectiveness) with the smaller shots (8, I think) was worse. The shooting with the bigger shots (6?) was better. There was blood on the driver's seat with the larger rounds. I don't think that says anything about caliber. The shooting just looked better. So that said to me, you need to be able to shoot as well (and as fast) as you can.
I have absolutely no idea what the circumstances were. I was only looking at sheet metal. I have ZERO facts.
Yesterday in one of the outer boros of NYC a nut hacked one kid with a hatchet and bashed in another kid's skull. Finally a couple of guys got there and put the nut down. The 9mm worked fine for that. A lot of rounds were fired. I don't know that it was because so many were specifically required to end the threat, or (more probably) because there were multiple officers firing so the round count goes up quickly. -If you fire three rounds, that doesn't seem crazy. If five officers are on scene and do the same (since there can be no established plan, prior to an event that no one can foresee) suddenly it sounds bad... but it's exactly the same.
That's a BIG part of the problem with any caliber-effectiveness research.
As I told you, in semis I'm a 9mm/.45 ACP guy. In revolvers I like .38 Special.
Beyond that, it's train oneself physically and (more importantly) mentally. I am a firm believer (based on my personal experience) that, if you do this, you will likely
never be called upon to prove it. The predators very quickly size-up who they can take and who they can't.