Interesting source perspective but way too much information. However, I agree with his conclusions on the shotgun, rifle, and pistol priority of damage potential. The .357s are too loud to consider for unprotected hearing in self defense situations. Bigger is better is not a novel concept.
If I had to carry one pistol in a holster outside of the pocket it would be my Glock 36.
I have a 36 Tracker. Do you feel the necessity to carry a spare mag? I like my 36, but wrestle with whether or not I need a spare mag and I kinda hate a Glock mag in the pocket. Much prefer the 1911 style mags in the front pocket, but like the Glock platform.
Whatcha think? Extra mag or is 7 enough?
I agree that .357 is loud. I have been playing with the idea of carrying .357 sig, but it is so loud that even with protection on I feel stunned after shooting a box.
Currently hanging the G27 IWB and seriously looking into that grip reduction you mentioned.
One thing that does amaze me about the Austrian workhorse is how light it is when stacked up against the comp. I love the beauty of so many other gun makers, but just a quick comparison of rounds, height, weight, price, reliability, trigger reset, accessories (notice I didn't say width) and it's easy to see why they have become so popular. I'm not really a fanboy, nor do I frequent their forum to drink the kool aid, but they have earned some respect.