Author Topic: Tales From The Morgue~interesting read about ballistics ALSO: Greg Ellifaz data  (Read 29478 times)

Offline JoshA

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Well I happened onto another potentially controversial site that discusses in some detail the effects of lead overdoses in different calibers. I must admit that the character writing the said blog/forum is a little rough and  lacks a bit of couth (sorry if you are on this forum  ::) ) in a few questionable comments made, but what would you expect from a guy that works in a morgue in Atlanta (sorry if you work in a morgue in Atlanta  ::) ). He is probably gonna be a little different. That being said, he seems to be a very straight shooter and all in all a fairly experienced and intelligent fellow. I wouldn't mind meeting him (as long as I'm not laying on his table).

It has no graphic pics. It is generally about a mortician's opinion of the best calibers to defend your life (or another innocent parties life) in the event you were forced to do so. It holds great in-sites (literally) to what happens in the event that someone is shot by various calibers. Things that could help save our lives if ever engaged in a gun battle. We all know the dangers of a critically wounded BG who is still shooting and endangering you and your family. It would be good to narrow the odds of that happening if possible IMO. So, for what it's worth I highly recommend at least checking out some of what the fellow has to say.

I will say that he starts out anti .380/9 mm, and when cross examined close to the end he must ... Well I'll just let you check it out.

Please post your thoughts, positive or negative.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 11:23:40 PM by JoshA »
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

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Interesting source perspective but way too much information. However, I agree with his conclusions on the shotgun, rifle, and pistol priority of damage potential. The .357s are too loud to consider for unprotected hearing in self defense situations. Bigger is better is not a novel concept.

If I had to carry one pistol in a holster outside of the pocket it would be my Glock 36.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 07:43:09 PM by tracker »

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Posted this initially in the wrong thread.  :-[

Wow. That is a lot.

I see several seeming logic problems, but what's the bottom line? He prefers .45 (presumably) ACP.

Fair enough, can't find fault with that.

Offline JoshA

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Interesting source perspective but way too much information. However, I agree with his conclusions on the shotgun, rifle, and pistol priority of damage potential. The .357s are too loud to consider for unprotected hearing in self defense situations. Bigger is better is not a novel concept.

If I had to carry one pistol in a holster outside of the pocket it would be my Glock 36.

I have a 36 Tracker. Do you feel the necessity to carry a spare mag?  I like my 36, but wrestle with whether or not I need a spare mag and I kinda hate a Glock mag in the pocket. Much prefer the 1911 style mags in the front pocket, but like the Glock platform.

Whatcha think? Extra mag or is 7 enough?

I agree that .357 is loud. I have been playing with the idea of carrying .357 sig, but it is so loud that even with protection on I feel stunned after shooting a box.

Currently hanging the G27 IWB and seriously looking into that grip reduction you mentioned.

One thing that does amaze me about the Austrian workhorse is how light it is when stacked up against the comp. I love the beauty of so many other gun makers, but just a quick comparison of rounds, height, weight, price, reliability, trigger reset, accessories (notice I didn't say width) and it's easy to see why they have become so popular.  I'm not really a fanboy, nor do I frequent their forum to drink the kool aid, but they have earned some respect.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 09:21:08 PM by JoshA »
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

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Posted this initially in the wrong thread.  :-[

Wow. That is a lot.

I see several seeming logic problems, but what's the bottom line? He prefers .45 (presumably) ACP.

Fair enough, can't find fault with that.

IMO he boils it down to that he thinks certain lighter calibers tend to glance off of bone that tend to protect the primary targets thus limiting their potential ability to stop a threat in a quick fashion. I will still carry 9 personally when the occasion arises, but the rounds will dumped if the threat doesn't stop and I think that is the point.

He said he found that the heavier bullets pierce the bones better, so I like your idea of a 147 gr if I'm carrying a 9 personally. It kinda flies in the face of the light and fast to expand theory. This is important, but not if it doesn't penetrate first according to this and the other excellent link you posted a few weeks ago.

I still don't feel as though I have arrived at a conclusive place, but rather feel like I understand the complexity of trying to stop the most complex creature on the face of the planet with a handgun a little more.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 09:32:08 PM by JoshA »
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

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You can carry an extra mag in a belt clip and not in your pocket. If you carry a Glock 36 on or inside your belt why not carry an extra mag. However, 6+1 will probably be enough with a Glock 36 and, if not, you're  in over your head anyway.

In all honesty I suggest you make a decision and stop screwing around with it.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 09:34:46 PM by tracker »

Offline JoshA

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You can carry an extra mag in a belt clip and not in your pocket. If you carry a Glock 36 on or inside your belt why not carry an extra mag. However, 6+1 will probably be enough with a Glock 36 and, if not, you're  in over your head anyway.

In all honesty I suggest you make a decision and stop screwing around with it.

Ha! I agree. Now what to decide? Glock 27. That should do it for IWB. I can't find a better fit for me until January when Glock releases the single stack. I guess it may be offered in 9 and 40. I shoot 40 ok, so I guess I'll stick with 40 until I get reassurance on the 9mm cartridge. Honestly since I'm just a civilian I would probably be ok with 9mm. There I go again.

If I'm in summer months I am content with the solo.

Sunday's I tend to want the r9 sized gun so I will go with the Kahr 380 until my r9 is fixed. There. Are ya happy? Almost as bad as a women aren't i? Move the couch here. Move the picture there. 9mm is great. I think I'll carry my 45. Lol. Sorry fellas.

So what do you carry Tracker? Are you a one pistol, one caliber man? Never go back and forth about what's best?
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

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Respectfully, no comment. There is no one answer for everyone and there are many factors in different locations and situations.

Offline JoshA

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Oh good I feel better then. I feel the same way, except I haven't had as long as some of you more seasoned gentlemen to sort some of this stuff out.

I'm getting there.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

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I think you are; keep in mind that Bernie Goetz dropped four of them on the subway with five shots from an inexpensive Airweight .38 spl.. As noted here earlier I doubt that he had fired that gun more than a few times at the range, if any, because he lived in N.Y. City. He was just frustrated and took the law into his own hands to protect himself. The important thing is just pick something and go with it instead of paralysis by analysis.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 06:45:54 PM by tracker »

Offline JoshA

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Sounds like great advice Tracker.

I'm settling in on my selection. I think I have finally looked at ALMOST all plausible options and like where I am. Feel like the 2 main carry pieces i use are very reliable. The pocket option Kahr 380 is a tad iffy, but I am working on the right ammo and seem to be getting confidence in it until I can get the R9 100%.

Thanks for the words of wisdom.
War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

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The problem, as I see it, is that everything in the pocket carry option without the R9 is a compromise on weight, size, caliber, etc.. There is no good answer and maybe the Glock 43, if produced, will serve to fill the void. Many of the previously noted carry guns in the informal survey leaned toward the heavier caliber options which tells me that most of the owners fall into the professional ranks and are accustomed to strapping one on every day. The majority of us do not fit into that category.

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I agree about the compromise without the R9. Looking forward to hopefully getting it repaired soonish. The CW 380 shoots great, but I'm leery of the caliber and the the overall reliability.

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

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Ghee Whiz

Now I know that a 12 gauge is great, and will try and get one for pocket carry - maybe a derringer??

But back in the real world of Self Defense I prefer 'situational awareness', a pocket gun that is reliable, comes out fast, and I won't shoot myself. My present pick is a 32 seecamp based on size, and safety. The R9 is also a great gun. The plastic striker fired guns just don't pass the safety test for me.

As to a car gun, a 9mm or a 45 acp, in a glove compartment make sense

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As I said earlier, to each his own, but a .32 is a very lightweight caliber for self defense; better than nothing. If you just love a Seecamp that is a different matter.