Author Topic: A 45acp design idea for new pilots at Rohrbaugh  (Read 96303 times)

Offline AreB

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Re: A 45acp design idea for new pilots at Rohrbaugh
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2016, 02:43:52 PM »
S & W Shield weight is good, but if I go that big I'll go small 1911. Yes. I'm old AND old-school. Think I'll go notch an 8-round 1911 mag to fit my AMT DAO and go play with it a little.

Here's a link to the Heizer that's allegedly coming soon. Weight is quoted at 25 and 28 ounces, only measurement published is width.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 02:47:19 PM by AreB »

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Re: A 45acp design idea for new pilots at Rohrbaugh
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2016, 03:06:58 PM »
I love the old-school cut-downs like Behlert did, and Cylinder and Slide still does. Also the Seventrees ASP, and  the others that paved the way for the S & W Chief's Special versions of the action that started with the Model 39.

Behlert was a pioneer. Seecamp too, had one of the tiny .25s, still think about a ,32 or .380.

I had an ODI Viking Combat, which was the production version of the Seecamp 1911 DA/SA conversion. My ODI was all-stainless, Commander-sized, decent fixed sights. Lack of a built-in hammer drop mechanism (to get to DA carry mode) bothered me. Sold it, closest thing I've got currently is a Para P12 LDA. Nice handful, but heavy.

Evidently the Boberg design isn't dead, it's not even as sick as the Rohrbaugh/Remington mash-up. Bond Arms, out of Texas, bought Boberg out and is bringing the pistol back to market (later this year...theoretically) as the Bond Arms Bullpup in 9mm. Bond is a good company, hope all goes well, and they get the 45 running too. That may scratch my itch...for a while.

The post I put up about the Boberg was several years ago.  I tried to like the XR45 but in the end I gave up on it.  Arne Boberg rushed that design into production so he could leave his wife and the company and start over.  I really doubt that Bond will ever bring out the 45.

I went back to the XDs 45 and I think it is a very good IWB carry gun.  Shoots accurately, light weight, very manageable recoil, and very reliable and affordable.

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Re: A 45acp design idea for new pilots at Rohrbaugh
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2016, 03:34:31 PM »
Good inside info on the XR45, thank you. Still eager to see how Bond does with the 9mm. I handled a couple XR9s at a local emporium, felt good but I'm just not a 9mm guy...yet.

Buddy of mine has the tiny XDs .45, shot it and it didn't do a thing for me. Like the AMT DAO better, think I bought it first year it came out. I guess I got lucky and got a good one.