Author Topic: Wishing for a 10 round R9  (Read 82499 times)

Offline PocketRocketLover

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Wishing for a 10 round R9
« on: October 13, 2014, 01:04:12 AM »
Hello All . I just finished reading Josh's post about NEW Topics and new ideas to keep the forum jumping . So I just wanted to toss a firecracker into the fire . I HOPE the new people at the controls of the R9 would consider making an R9 with a slightly wider grip . This allowing a 10 round box mag , of 9mm , to be carried . I KNOW this MAY fly in the face of some R9 purist . But I have always been in search for a ultimate pocket rocket . While I LOVE my two tone pup . I think that design would pump some new life into the overall interest of the R9 . I am thinking a new R9 could be called the R9/10 . I placed 2 pup mags together and while thick at about 24mm wide . I KNOW that many double stack wonder 9s come in at about .8 of an inch wide . Again I know some right now may want to flog me . But I would pony up on a 10 shot pup in a New York minute . Some may say I am treading on the history or glow of the original R9 . But as one chapter closes another new one opens as they say . So WHY NOT inject new ideas into the mix while we have the chance . Maybe another all stainless model offering as well . Just thinking out loud here . Thanks for giving me your time guys .

Offline C0untZer0

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2014, 05:58:36 AM »
This does fly in the face of what the R9 is (was).

It sounds like you'd be trying to turn the R9 into an aluminum version of the SCCY but with shorter OAL than the SCCY.

I'm sure some people would like it.

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2014, 08:49:30 AM »
One of the greatest attributes of the R9 is the slim feel making it IMO the most comfortable and easy to carry of any handgun in a caliber 9mm or greater.  The thicker grip would make pocket carry significantly different in feel and appearance.  I would not preclude the value of an R10, but would hate to lose the R9 in consequence...would be great to have both.
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Offline Rich3006

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2014, 06:34:58 PM »
I think I would rather see the R9 with a slightly longer grip. Maybe just long enough to hold a seventh bullet in the mag.  I think the extra length would make the gun easier to control and not really impact the concealibility of the gun.  A lot of people have put those grip extenders on their R9, so why not make the grip just a tad longer and get an extra round to boot?

Offline cargaritaville

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2014, 08:11:27 PM »
It sounds like you'd be trying to turn the R9 into an aluminum version of the SCCY but with shorter OAL than the SCCY.
By the way, any feelings about this gun?
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Offline PocketRocketLover

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2014, 01:17:23 AM »
In response to the above . When Harley came out with other models and styles . It helped BUILD the brand . When the Corvette was offered with a convertible . It sold to hard top purist alike . When  Seecamp offered the 32 and then the 380 to its 25acp line . We all snapped up the 32acp or 380acp or both . Change is the nature of life . In many ways it is the ONLY way for some things to survive in an ever changing world . When Glock offered the new 380 . Many turned their head while turning their hand and snapping one up under the pretext of it being for the "wife" .
The 6500 or so original R9 pups out there will be just that . I wonder how many of us with coin in our pockets are itching to buy something NEW yet have NOTHING that sparks our interest . I would LOVE to own another pup . But am holding off to see what the new minds in the drivers seat will come up with .
As for the comment about the Sccy . I own a Kel Tec P 11 . I see the Sccy as a bullet launcher like the Kel Tec . We can tell time with a Timex . So WHY buy a ROLEX ? But even Rolex knew the importance of offering other models of their Oyster . I would think a 10 round R9 would be snapped up buy NEW buyers driving new life into the brand and giving the new owners a good reason to think outside the box . Dare I say POLYMER framed R9 ? LOL I know I get it . Don't hate me for offering new ideas .
One last thing to anyone looking at an SCCY . If you look on YouTube . One poster doing a short review on it shows that reset on the SCCY is tricky if one has large fingers or fat digits . While I like their repair policy . I am done spending money on budget tools . As my mom once told me . It only costs a little more to go 1st class .

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2014, 08:31:43 PM »
Kimber has now begun to offer an Ultra CDP ll with a longer grip as an option.  The R9 could eventually go the same route, but for now just getting production of the original version will hoprfully be the next attainable goal.
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Offline JoshA

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2015, 05:26:07 PM »
Kimber has now begun to offer an Ultra CDP ll with a longer grip as an option.  The R9 could eventually go the same route, but for now just getting production of the original version will hoprfully be the next attainable goal.

Why not just an extended grip like others have recently started standardizing? Just in the event someone wanted to holster it.

I could take or leave the concept, but it seems like an affordable efficient way of "handling" the need if their were enough people who wanted it.

If I am going IWB I usually carry something else though.

As I recently heard a guy say, "you can make a small gun bigger, but you can't make a big gun smaller".

« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 05:34:38 PM by JoshA »
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Offline ECR

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2015, 08:34:27 AM »
Reading this thread, I couldn't help myself to feed you guys with a taste of what was coming down the pike at Rohrbaugh Firearms Corp. just a few years back. After much research, I kept pestering my brother that we needed to make a longer barreled, longer framed (but stay single file) version of the R9 with adjustable sights. We came up with this prototype. I tagged it: The R9 "PP" Model. As you can see, it is about the same size and dimensions as the ole' Walther PP Models. It felt great in the hand! The single file magazine held 7 rounds, with one in the chamber = you had an 8 round R9 on hand!
The sights were donated to us by Wayne Novak of Novak Sights. Unfortunately, we never made it to completion. Interestingly enough, the new owners of Rohrbaugh showed an interest in possibly bringing this model out, but nothing was etched in stone at the time of the sale a little over a year ago now. I truly hope that Remington does something good and honorable with our designs. . . . . . They deserve it and, even more importantly, our former and future R9 enthusiasts deserve it! Heck ~ I wanted to make them just because I wanted one!  lol

Eric R.
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2015, 09:20:54 AM »
that is a sweet looking gun eric...maybe one day we will see it....thanks for posting...

Offline jm17

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2015, 10:31:11 AM »
I would like a Magazine with a finger rest holding a round or two more similar to the Walther ppk finger rest mags. Sometimes I carry in a OWB holster so the longer mag/ finger rest would not effect concealability much.   

Offline Richard S

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2015, 08:58:22 PM »
Simply magnificent!
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Offline backupr9

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2015, 09:34:21 PM »
Love it!  I owned a PPKs that was simply beautiful, if heavy, but I hated the safety which was impossible to move quickly, and it bit the web of my thumb with every shot so I sold it.  It was the American S&W version.  I am told the original German version was a much better pistol.
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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2015, 03:35:11 PM »
Wow, that's cool, Eric!

What wood was used for those grips? Maple burl?

Offline ECR

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Re: Wishing for a 10 round R9
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2015, 04:05:49 PM »
Hey Ted,

We quickly finished that prototype for one of our last S.H.O.T. Shows and only showed it to people close to us there. It was well received. Yes, the grips are burled wood of some type, I forget what they are exactly. . . . . and the fellow made them one day before we headed to the show in Las Vegas! You don't want to know the cost of those!  Prototype items are not inexpensive!  lol.

Eric R.
Makers of the NRA Shooting Illustrated: "Handgun of the Year for 2005" and receiver of an NRA Golden Bullseye Award.