I have to be very frank right now…I am tired of guns acting like the Chinese made them…disposable. I went to the range yesterday to shoot my Kimber Solo STS 9mm. Nope, didn't happen. Off to the factory it goes tomorrow. It is brand new. When it gets back, it goes. Everything that I own that is even a hint of a problem or a possible future problem is going or is gone. I sold my R9S Cogan on GunBroker yesterday. I am nervous about future parts. Forget the warranty. Bye bye. Goodbye Kmber Solo, goodbye Seecamp .380 cutting my fingers and having enough kick to start my car. Goodbye Springfield XDS .45 with no personality and a case full of cheap plastic junk. I have a new attitude about guns. I will from now on only purchase the very best built guns that are proven to be winners. The HK that I just bought…incredible precision. Try to find a bad review…good luck. The HK forum…nothing but praise. LE loves it. I just bought an Ed Brown Kobra Carry .45. Try and find a bad review…good luck again. I intend on carrying the HK for my CCW. I don't care about looks, weight, or cost this time. I care about reliability…period. Reliability because someday my life and/or others with me may depend on my choice of firer, The HK will have a 13+ 1 with the ext mag. The Ed Brown is going to be my range enjoyment gun. I have sold a number of other firearms that I was not impressed with and turned that cash into quality pieces. Please don't think that I am being arrogant about this, I am just fed up with firearms that cannot be relied on. I am no longer into quantity, just quality.