While I've never been a huge fan of the 380 or the 9mm Kurz, I did manage to pick up a very minty East German Makarov with a bunch of mags, a .22 conversion kit and about 1500 rds of ammo. Much of the ammo is older Russian...not really branded for marketing as they do now. While it's all FMJ...and doesn't look much different...hang on 'cause it's about 15-20% hotter than what most of the domestic suppliers offer and gives the shooter a bit of a surprise. I also found out from the old gentleman (ex E.German military officer) that only FMJ ammo was available to 95+% of the few (including military) who were allowed to have guns at all. The other 5% were basically the hit-men/women for the alphabet soup groups like the CIA, etc.
Point of all this...if you've got a Mak and want hot ammo....find older Russian, Bulgarian, Polish, E.German ammo. The guns from the 50s, 60s and early 70s were built to handle it (from what I'm told)...but after that, I do not know. If you find some old commie branded hollow points...hang on to it...it's rare.