Author Topic: Deposit on the .45  (Read 19101 times)

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Deposit on the .45
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:38:16 AM »
It's been a few years, but I put down a deposit on the .45 and wonder what happened to the deposit, and to the concept.
I've been out of touch, but now I'm back. Anybody know anything?

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Re: Deposit on the .45
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2014, 10:04:26 AM »

The factory did not take any deposits.  Some dealers may have taken deposits -- I know that Tom Watson of Irish Guard took some deposits.  You need to talk with the dealer you provided the deposit to.   If it was Tom Watson, that is more of an issue since he passed away and his business has been effectively wrapped up.
Duane (DDGator)
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Re: Deposit on the .45
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2014, 03:30:42 PM »

On another note, I contacted checkmate for magazines as I saw you advise another member and they are impossible to deal with,  The salesperson Roger who keeps telling me that he will calm me back never returns my calls. I reached out to Eric on FB and seeing if he knows of another method to obtain mags and/or parts.   I am very disappointed with how the Rohrbaughs and Remington have chosen to handle this situation.   You would think that if you have bought two of their pistols you wouldn't be stuck in no man's land with no end in sight.   FUDGE!

Offline DDGator

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Re: Deposit on the .45
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2014, 03:46:31 PM »

On another note, I contacted checkmate for magazines as I saw you advise another member and they are impossible to deal with,  The salesperson Roger who keeps telling me that he will calm me back never returns my calls. I reached out to Eric on FB and seeing if he knows of another method to obtain mags and/or parts.   I am very disappointed with how the Rohrbaughs and Remington have chosen to handle this situation.   You would think that if you have bought two of their pistols you wouldn't be stuck in no man's land with no end in sight.   FUDGE!

Well, this is derailing this threat a bit.  I would just say that you shouldn't be disappointed in how the Rohrbaugh's handled the transaction.  They sold the company, in its entirety, including its warranty obligations, to a large, well-funded and well-established giant in the industry.  A large inventory of spare parts, including magazines, was turned over to Remington after the sale.  Eric even helped train Remington employees in how to service Rohrbaugh pistols.  What more could the Rohrbaugh brothers have done?

All the parts you or others want are sitting in a Remington factory somewhere collecting dust.

Duane (DDGator)
Rohrbaugh Forum Administrator