I'm also a big .38 special fan. We still use FBI loads, with a potential switch to the NY load on the horizon. I've shot both and am comfortable with either.
Either way, I plead guilty to getting tied up in internal knots over "how many rounds is enough." It sometimes keeps me from carrying the J frame that I love as a primary.
Sometimes it doesn't.
A bit of followup, for my area, at least:
I tell you what: I've been watching some recent surveillance videos of robberies. That is,
a bunch.
My opinion? 5 rounds
may just be enough.
The robberies tend to be strong arm.
Some do have weapons, but largely not. They are four or five young guys (men or boys, depending on whether you are a reasonable person, or the NY Times) pounding the hell out of a victim who should have known it was coming, but usually seems to have have chosen (
that's CHOSEN) not to recognize their situation.
The repeated scenario: five male blacks surround a victim in some public place at midnight. The victim does not react at all. (Maybe they think that to do so would be racist?) So they don't react at all; like the bad guys are not there.
No kidding. It's bizarre.Then the bad guys beat the crap out of the victim and take his stuff.
Now obviously (here, at least) you can't shoot them all. They are not "armed."
Afterwards, you will have shot "five unarmed black teens."
We've all seen these situations repeatedly; and I've seen for two-plus decades what it would be spun as.
But if you had to shoot one of them, I believe (my opinion, based on how "flighty" the perps generally appear) it would disrupt the robbery, and the rest would flee. And that
is defensible.
If you have to fight multiple perps armed with firearms, there seems almost no way you could prevail.
You may survive, if you're lucky.
But... you can't use suppressive fire to move to cover or escape, since naturally you are responsible for every round fired.
So are they of course.
But they don't care.Even if you have a "reasonable" amount of ammunition... if they have guns, they have that, times three or more...
...and they don't worry about stray rounds.
I'm beginning to think that five rounds isn't as crazy as it sounds.