See this link: all may recall some controversy surrounding this pistol launch. It made a big splash at the SHOT Show, but was not available for shooting on media day. A select group of writers got to shoot it at a special event, but other test guns have been hard to get. Reviews of a few guns in the wild were not good. Now, it appears the gun has disappeared off the Remington website.
I have mixed feelings about this. I don't jump to the conclusion that Remington was trying to mislead the public by selling a crap gun and limiting access to it... That doesn't make any business sense. I do think the gun may not have been ready for prime time at SHOT, and they felt pressure to get it out. However, given the time since SHOT it seems a little foreboding that they haven't worked out the problems yet. Maybe this is going to be a false start for them. Perhaps there was a reason that pistol design had fallen to the dustbin of history...
However, the fact that they would quietly ditch a pistol design that they put a lot of R&D and marketing into, without even so much as an announcement, is a bit scary to us R-9 afficionados...