Author Topic: My 10mm toys  (Read 13443 times)

Offline JoshA

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Re: My 10mm toys
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2014, 05:44:08 PM »
Wow that's quite a beaut!

What does a ported Omega set a fella back?
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Re: My 10mm toys
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2014, 07:47:37 PM »
Wow that's quite a beaut!

What does a ported Omega set a fella back?

There-in lies the problem.  They are discontinued and parts are no longer available.  They came out with a lifetime warranty and I have heard of people getting replacement guns of some other type, but I cannot confirm that.  If you are going to use the pistol for marathon target sessions, the Glock probably would be a better choice for you.

If you like the 1911 platform as I do, these are a very good fit for the 10mm with its high pressures and high slide velocities.  It employs a linkless desigh and the barrel slide lockup is similar to what Sig and Glock use.  The Peters-Stahl sights are very good and much like what Bomar used to put out.

Here is a link to the Bren Ten Forum for some info.

As far as price goes it varies.  This one was LNIB for $1000.  I have another NIB I paid $900 for.  They are available most of the time on GunBroker, but prices vary a lot.  All of them on GB right now are over priced in my opinion.

Good luck.