Am I missing something? All this negativity on the forum! I am a businessman, an investor, and an realist optimist. Rohrbaugh has sold and is in the process of moving an entire factory and operation to NC. They seem to be a bit disorganized…wow what a surprise? Has anyone on this forum ever moved that far? Can you imagine the logistics nightmares?… local permits, state permits, Obama permits, insurance, buildouts, power supply, internet, labor, utilities, Fed reqs., personnel, personal logistics, Taxation, politicians, EPA, and on and on. What's with all this crying? There are 2 sayings I live by…If you want to predict the future, look to the past. Rohrbaugh has been nothing less than an absolute class act from Maria in customer service to the Rohrbaughs themselves and their products. I expect nothing less for the future. Secondly, if you're going to be happy in life, you'd better make peace with imperfection real soon. Everyone needs to chill for a bit. Be happy……….