Author Topic: Am I missing something?????  (Read 30129 times)

Offline cargaritaville

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Am I missing something?????
« on: March 27, 2014, 02:58:56 PM »
Am I missing something? All this negativity on the forum!  I am a businessman, an investor, and an realist optimist. Rohrbaugh has sold and is in the process of moving an entire factory and operation to NC. They seem to be a bit disorganized…wow what a surprise? Has anyone on this forum ever moved that far? Can you imagine the logistics nightmares?… local permits, state permits, Obama permits, insurance, buildouts, power supply, internet, labor, utilities, Fed reqs., personnel, personal logistics, Taxation, politicians, EPA, and on and on. What's with all this crying? There are 2 sayings I live by…If you want to predict the future, look to the past. Rohrbaugh has been nothing less than an absolute class act from Maria in customer service to the Rohrbaughs themselves and their products. I expect nothing less for the future. Secondly, if you're going to be happy in life, you'd better make peace with imperfection real soon. Everyone needs to chill for a bit. Be happy……….
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 03:00:46 PM by cargaritaville »
Having a gun in your hand is much more effective than having the entire police department on the phone!

Offline tracker

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2014, 06:10:03 PM »
You obviously have a good grip on life and an inner peace with yourself. Although some of the problems expressed on this forum about the move are real and understandable there is nothing that can be achieved by complaining about it here. Not that it applies to any forum members but I have noticed from close personal observation that sometimes there are other personal issues involved that manifest themselves in a different agenda. I think the psychologists call it transference. This, too, shall pass.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 06:12:53 PM by tracker »

Offline trident

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2014, 06:40:57 PM »
Yea its been drama city here lately.

Funny thing is a couple years ago it was the solo that was being ripped apart as junk now its gods gift and the r9 is junk.

What all the drama " men " are missing is that even if r9 production starts up the originals are done totally and already rare guns. If they never start up again then ya got a really rare gun.

Detonics was almost totally same situation imo...thank god their was no internet back then . The panic would have been epic on the forums.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2014, 12:51:25 PM by trident »

Offline JoshA

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2014, 11:44:49 PM »
Well I would consider this more of an explanation than a defense; however it may be more of a transference than anything : ))) that was good Tracker.

I don't feel that you are missing anything carga (well except for some beginning posts perhaps). In fact you are the Monday morning quarterback that has no issue with a gun and therefore it's real easy to sit in the recliner and say "what's all the hububbery?" that's cool. I would do the exact same thing. As a matter of fact NOW that I have moved on to place my broken, R9 in the safe to purchase and break in and learn a new platform I'm cool with it too.

However, moving through the frustrating steps of having an unreliable pistol, getting some less than great instructions from the factory rep, placing 2 calls each day to a voice mail that said nothing at the time about the move with no return call, emailing and receiving no return email and then finally after a week or 10 days hearing they were moving and then bought out and then reopening in march and then being informed by a revised voice mail that they had no idea when they would reopen it was a dramatic way NOT to handle a company buyout if you want to retain customer loyalty and confidence. How cheap would it have been to hire a person to return emails and phone calls if ONLY to say we arclew locating, but we are here to take care of you in any way we can. The suns that could have been sold alone would have more than paid for that. It was kind of shabby IMO. They didn't ask me so who cares?  (sorry for the run on sentence, the fingers wouldn't pause for a period : )

Now I'm resigned to the idea of finding, and paying for and proving a new gun. I feel I'm over 98% of the stress. I'm ready for the months of waiting for my R9 to be repaired. As dad used say, you don't know what someone is going through till you walked a mile in his shoes. Is it the biggest deal in the world? Thank God, not in the least.

So if I was bob experiencing issues with a brand new gun or someone who was trying to buy a new gun and never heard back from this company I would think they were a joke UNTIL I HEARD THE REST OF THE STORY.

So here we are and we all know more about what's going on and 2-3 guys make some negative comments about the situation. Big whoop. 2-3 guys. Not too big of a deal (unless you are Duane and having to deal with it- sorry Duane)

As for the kimber solo being a piece of junk a couple of years ago and now it's all the rave. Thats interesting. It's cool to see what happens when a company steps up to the plate and owns responsibility for what's wrong with a design and makes serious steps to correct them. I read of a handful of cases where kimber was sending people upgraded versions of the solo with an iron clad guarantee that if they still didn't like that gun they would then return their money. That's manning up.

Fast forward to the current production model:

I now have 650  124 grain rounds through mine and experienced 2 FTE (when using nonrecomended 115 gr American Eagle) and one FTF on a mag swap. -that's impressive for such a small handgun launching a 9mm round. Not to mention +P nor that it has a full sized gun's sights, or that the grip screws don't loosen every 10-30 rounds, or that it fires when being limp wristed intententionally with one hand and that being the off hand (lol- flawless in this test too: ) or that it rings up for only about $675 or that it doesn't abuse your hand like other mini models or that it has an option of night sights and/or crimson trace or that it easily will punch one large hole from 7 yards (I don't shoot most of my full sized guns this well). Want mag extensions, go to midway. No big deal. Why wouldn't it get some rave? It's a great little gun.

Does that make it better than the R9? No. The R9 is still the most pocketable 9 auto in the wold. So it still has a place in this guys pocket when it gets fixed, but come on. It just makes sense to me. Maybe not to everyone and that's ok.

So that's my attempt to make a logical and reasonable presentation why grown men cry and whine like kids. Makes total sense eh?

Hope you don't mind left handed humor. Its just how I think. Sorry i'm a gun packing guy that was raised by hippies. What do you expect? Pardon the transference : )

In final I totally agree that our guns should bring a good dollar for the few guys who are colloecters or willing to put up with the quirks. No denying it, the gun does have its quirks (unless you never shoot it). I still like it though.

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

John Stuart Mill
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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2014, 12:20:09 AM »
Kimbers did nothing to change the guns, was 90% incorrect assembly by owners . Kimber did recall some guns but whats weird about that is mine and pals are on the list and have been 100% . Now the finish that is junk !!!

Offline MRC

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2014, 07:17:51 AM »
Kimbers did nothing to change the guns, was 90% incorrect assembly by owners . Kimber did recall some guns but whats weird about that is mine and pals are on the list and have been 100% . Now the finish that is junk !!!

As much at fault for the early on failures of the Solo's was incorrect ammo.  Guys want to use the Winchester white box and Blazer ammo that runs great through their Glocks, but is not loaded hot enough for the Solo.  Adding to the problems was the scarcity of high quality self defense ammo at the time they were introduced.

I agree with JoshA and bobSmith on the other point. Put yourself in the guy's shoes that has just bought a $1200 pistol that will not function right out of the box.  I have been there.  Maria was nice to talk to, but in my four conversations with her it was all about what I was doing wrong.  Maybe she got better, but I found that all she did over 4 years ago was relay messages from Eric and I must be doing something wrong as they do not have trouble with their pistols.

Eric told Maria what to tell me and none of it worked plus the barrel quality was the worst my gunsmith had ever seen.  When I asked to talk directly to Eric, she bought the gun back.  This is good customer service?  Why wouldn't he talk to a customer that was having trouble and was on his 4th call to customer service.

I have had a few problems with Smith's and one with Ruger through the years, and they immediately sent me a shipping return tag and fixed the problem with no questions asked.  That is customer service.

Offline bobsmith

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2014, 11:28:57 AM »
Yea its been drama city here lately.

Funny thing is a couple years ago it was the solo that was being ripped apart as junk now its gods gift and the r9 is junk.

What all the queens are missing is that even if r9 production starts up the originals are done totally and already rare guns. If they never start up again then ya got a really rare gun.

Detonics was almost totally same situation imo...thank god their was no internet back then . The panic would have been epic on the forums.

I've got one for sale if you'd like to put some money where your mouth is.  I keep hearing how valuable it will be, but nobody has done more than talk trash.  Plenty of chest beating, but no action. 

As for the "queens" comment.  Yeah, that's amazing to hear.  What I don't understand is why a people pouring gasoline on the fire if everyone is so tired of it.  If personal attacks aren't allowed here, why are so many statements like this tolerated.   

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2014, 11:41:06 AM »
As for the "queens" comment.  Yeah, that's amazing to hear.  What I don't understand is why a people pouring gasoline on the fire if everyone is so tired of it.  If personal attacks aren't allowed here, why are so many statements like this tolerated.

Personal attacks are personal -- directed to an identifiable person.  I see that statement (which I think refers to drama queens) as a general sense of frustration with people creating drama on a normally civil forum.  It also seems tame in comparison to the slings and arrows thrown here recently.  Feel free to keep reporting it and I'll deal with it on a case by case basis.

In the meantime, I would like to have one thread that doesn't descend into a criticism of how I run the forum, if possible.

Duane (DDGator)
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Offline bobsmith

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2014, 12:30:47 PM »
As for the "queens" comment.  Yeah, that's amazing to hear.  What I don't understand is why a people pouring gasoline on the fire if everyone is so tired of it.  If personal attacks aren't allowed here, why are so many statements like this tolerated.

Personal attacks are personal -- directed to an identifiable person.  I see that statement (which I think refers to drama queens) as a general sense of frustration with people creating drama on a normally civil forum.  It also seems tame in comparison to the slings and arrows thrown here recently.  Feel free to keep reporting it and I'll deal with it on a case by case basis.

In the meantime, I would like to have one thread that doesn't descend into a criticism of how I run the forum, if possible.


Thanks DD,

I've tried to refrain from creating drama and expect others to do the same.  I'm not going to be called a "queen" for being frustrated with my situation though.  It's not like Starbucks messed up my Latte, or something trivial like that.

I'll continue to report any behavior that doesn't conform to your rules as they need to apply to all members.

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2014, 01:14:10 PM »


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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2014, 08:29:18 PM »
The Rohrbaugh brothers are responsible for the so-called "drama" by a pulling a disappearing act without a peep of communication.  "Legally" bound to not say a word?  I ain't buyin' it.  And of course this post will be labeled a "personal attack" and totally out of bounds.  Ridiculous.       

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2014, 09:27:21 PM » know nothing about corporate America.

Yea its rude and unfair but if they truly sold out then they sold out !

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2014, 10:38:35 PM »

You've figured it out, BigAl.  I am just a big liar.  In fact, this is an orchestrated plan to piss off customers like you and run down the centuries old Rohrbaugh family name.  That makes much more sense than a corporate buy-out with a confidentially clause.   :o

You really have no idea how big business works in this country if you "ain't buying" that concept.  And by the way -- no one said they couldn't say a word.  Gosh, I've been through this so many times I am boring myself now...
Duane (DDGator)
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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2014, 08:47:40 AM »
Having worked for a Fortune 100 company for 30 years, I'm with BigAl. The Rohrbaughs should have/could have insisted up-front that accommodations be made for their recent sales and existing customer base.

To blame their disappearing act on the buy-out company is ridiculous. They obviously were seduced by the prospect of big bucks, and apparently neglected to insist on ANY sort of deference to existing problems, even if that was as simple as a preagreed-upon voice message on their phones and auto-reply on their emails saying something (anything!) about a temporary shut-down ("we will respond within a month") or some such.

To have simply disappeared without a trace was poor planning at best, and irresponsible at worst. I understand now that they have some kind of voicemail in place but obviously a few of the members here with problems were rightly panicked for a while.

This is not about

Offline MRC

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Re: Am I missing something?????
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2014, 08:54:18 AM »
Yes, I think a lot of us are missing something, the real facts.

This isn’t the Government and the UAW buying GM, this is a very small company trying to be absorbed by a conglomerate and it just doesn’t make sense.

We have been told that Rohrbaugh was selling every gun they were able to make.  I bought #4059 in 2009.  They stopped at 6850 in late 2013.  That means in 4.5 years they made 2800 pistols.  Do some math and you get 12 pistols per week?  Whole sale those for $800 each leaving a gross margin of $400 per pistol and that leaves $4800 per week.
Now you big corporate types reading this, how much is this company worth?

It sounds like they were working for wages, and maybe not very high ones at that.   That doesn’t translate into something to sell to pay off the debt.  Add in some warranty obligations and maybe a frivolous gun related lawsuit or two and the price goes down more.

I really do not think that we are looking at “WHEN”  this sale is consummated but “IF” this sale ever goes through.
Duane, no character attacks here, just a few facts.  I worked for a family company for 30 years that was bought out by a large Australian based company.   Nearly everything that we were told would happen before the sale went through turned out to be false.  So Duane, don’t believe everything you are told to relay to us.  They just might be using you.