As you read this please imagine a calm and placid voice stating it's opinions and not an angry rant. I think that will help this to NOT be offensive
I have been voicing this issue on my post "I want to love my Rhorbaugh... BUT" and I haven't heard any encouraging news from any of the "devout Rohrbaugh extreme active movers & shakers" (D.R.E.A.M.S.)
A little frustrating indead.
I want to be part of the D.R.E.A.M. team, but as for now I am happy to have gotten only 2 out of 50 rounds to FTE yesterday through my R9 and still haven't heard back from Maria or Eric or the janitor to let me know anything.
I highly doubt that a company with this kind of following is going down (could check to see if they have filed chapter 11 or 13), but to just abandon your phones for weeks and not return emails in this day of technology and affordable help I consider irresponsible frankly. It's not the way they would want to be treated, guaranteed.
So before the moderator of this post removes this legitimate concern being voiced from the digital format in which it now appears, please (for the GOOD of Rohrbaugh's future and improved communications) leave these posts up. Perhaps it will propoate a positive change in the future