As a gift for my wife, who shot her Court Officer's G17 at a range session and liked it, I purchased a Gen4 Glock 17. Thanks to an introduction by our Forum member, "Tracker," the renowned pistolsmith Teddy Jacobson ("Actions by T") agreed to upgrade it for me. He gave it a complete action job, polished the breechface and feed ramp, polished and contoured the chamber, modified all engagements including the extractor, and installed a "New York Trigger #2" with a Wolff trigger spring. The action of this G17 is now as smooth as glass, and it has a silky trigger pull that breaks crisply at the requested 7-1/2 pounds. My wife carries it in an elegant elephant-hide OWB holster made by Ron Graham that I was able to purchase from Eric Rohrbaugh. I have complete confidence in the safety of this entire rig.
If Glock is indeed about to make a serious entry into the pocket pistol market with a single-stack 9mm or .380 ACP having the standard multi-function Glock trigger and its short 5.5 pound pull, I don't know if I would feel comfortable carrying one in my pocket without at least a "New York" or "Miami Dade" (8-pound) trigger installed. It may be due to my belief in "O'Brian's Law," holding that "Murphy's Law" is flawed by irrational exuberance, but I can foresee all kinds of possible problems developing in high-stress situations when attempting to draw a pocket pistol having a short trigger pull of less than 7-1/2 pounds.
Reasonable minds may differ.