Thanks Richard
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All the Stress is dealing with the attorney's! As you know the incompetence is unbelievable! Unless that is a game they play to increase billing.
Unfortunately, that is a game too many attorneys play these days. The sad fact, in my opinion, is that we simply have too many lawyers in today's environment. Major universities use their law schools as centers for the generation of income and keep spewing out graduates. Most of those graduates manage, somehow and eventually, to pass a Bar examination. Add to that the increasing number of private law schools established and operating entirely as profit-making enterprises and you have a situation that is rapidly deteriorating. In the major cities, law firms just get larger and larger. Many of their associates can never hope to become partners. As for what were once called "boutique law firms operated by extraordinary gentlemen," they have become almost extinct in our larger metropolitan areas. Competition for clients is fierce. And a profession that once banned advertising as unprofessional conduct now permits lawyers to compete with used car salesmen for the top spot in outrageous and ridiculous television, radio, and mass-transit advertisements.
It is a sad situation. There are so many lawyers hanging up shingles now that many simply go out of business. Others, if they are lucky, retreat into the safe haven of government employment. Once there, they must somehow justify their existence by dreaming up new statutes and regulations to govern the rest of us in whatever sphere of human conduct their agency happens to have jurisdiction.
And that brings us back to Jack's original post and the Count's response. It would be safe to wager that behind all of those proposals to amend the statutory and regulatory provisions governing the issuance of carry permits are some lawyers hoping by their efforts to earn promotion in pay grade.
I know nothing, of course, about the attorneys in your case. I speak merely from my own observation and concern over what I perceive to be a growing crisis of quality and competence in a profession of which I have been privileged to be a member since 1963.
In any event, monitor your attorneys' work and hold them to the standards required by the rules governing professional conduct. It is your money. You deserve nothing less.
I wish you all the best. As my sainted mother used to say, "This too shall pass."
[Edit: Corrected typographical error.]