I have to chime in and say that my unscientific survey of this forum indicated that
124gr Gold Dots worked the most reliably across the widest range of owners.
I only have a few hundreds round fired through my R9 but I have not had any problems with 124gr Gold Dot, 124gr and 147gr Lawman, and 147gr Winchester Ranger "T" Series - RA9T.
I had two failures to fire in the first six Remington Golden Sabres I tried to shoot.
I noticed on the cases that did fire - I had very shallow indentations on the primers.
The top left two are fired Winchester Ranger T and Speer Gold Dot, the bottom left is a 147gr
bondedGolden Sabre that fired and you can see the primer doesn't have a solid noticeable indentation, the green sealant made a strange ring around the primer after the cartridge ignited - I'm calling that "fried egg" primer.
The top right two are Remington 147gr
bonded Golden Sabres that failed to fire.
I have nothing against them, I mean just looking at how they perform in 4 denim gel test I think they would be a great SD round, I'm just saying that they don't work in my particular R9s and if I were troubleshooting an R9 - I wouldn't use the Golden Sabres to troubleshoot it, I'd use 124gr Gold Dots to trouble shoot.
** In my range report I stated that I had 2 failure to fire out of 7 Remington 147gr bonded Golden Sabres, but I remembered that the last failure to fire I had was the second to last round in the magazine, and I actually never even tried to fire the last Golden Sabre in the mag - I put that cartridge back in the box, so technically it was 2 failure to fire out of 6.