G'day Gents! Thanks for the warm welcome and additional info. I did contact Rohrbaugh and had the distinct pleasure of speaking with Maria once again. More documentation is on the way, and yes, I will share it with members of this forum. Admittedly, I do not know as much about these fine little pistols as I would like. This one accompanied me many a dismal night as back-up to my duty gun. One is never alone when there's an R9 in their pocket..lol! And, once again, fat fingers prevail, as I did post an incorrect place of origin. I had stated that the gun was made in Irwindale, NY, when actually, it was made in Farmingdale, NY. I'm not sure there even IS an Irwindale, NY. Ah well, that was then, this is now.
They ARE wonderful little guns and one of the few that actually live up to, and beyond the advertising. But, sadly, I've decided to dispose of mine because I now need something a little more "arthritis friendly" to accompany me into those dark places and it's just too fine a piece to languish in my vault. And now that I'm retired, ultimate concealability is just not the issue it once was. If the Rohrbaugh 45 ever becomes available I'd love to have a pop at one of those.
And, "no offense taken". Hope you all have a great day!