Well said.
Rohrbaugh is a name not yet well known to the "masses," but that is all the more reason for the
cognoscenti to purchase a Rohrbauth while the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution is still in effect.
In June of this year I shall enter my 76th year on this third rock from the sun. I've lived and worked in third-world countries where the first actions of the dictators or military juntas
du jour were to outlaw and attempt to confiscate all firearms from the law-abiding public. That left only the military, police, outlaw warlords, drug dealers, and common criminals (a category that often included underpaid "outlaw" lower ranks of the military and police) in possession of guns. It also enhanced the adoption of the machete as the weapon of choice by rebels and the "Blood Diamond Crowd" for committing atrocities such as beheading and amputations on those who opposed them.
At my age and station in life, I don't particularly give a loose flying damn about who might agree with me on such things these days. However, for those of you born in later years than I first saw the light of day, my advice would be to support the NRA and the cause of preserving the narrow margin of victory in the
Heller case. In a few years I shall be long gone to my own "Valhalla." However, if you want your grandchildren to live under something other than the "Australian/Canadian/Great Britain/United Nations/Soros/Blumberg" model of gun control, stay involved, register to vote, and vote for those who support the Second Amendment in local, state, and national elections.
As I have noted, I shall be gone in a few years. During that limited period of time I expect the Second Amendment still to be in effect. However, the "wimps," "nerds," and "hoplophobes" are out there and growing in numbers. I wish you fellow supporters of the Second Amendment all success.
RS out.
[Edit: Spelling correction. Mea culpa.]