I am now basically sold out (two pairs sold pending funds- do not expect any different)
May help Drizden with some of mine out of archives or odds and ends.
May make some more, We have not decided yet. (leaning toward straight or both)
Have not broken even $ wise (not counting tools or time) but have some for me.
Hand finishing and talking to people is fun, other wise this was a huge lot of time and PIA.
I have some machined blocks that can be shaped, may customize these or others.
May list individual ones in future
Worst is over, If we do more will not be so bad.
Will still be ckecking/on forum but not all the time.
Thanks again all for interest
PS any suggestions for anodizing
(I may some day try home "spooge anodizing" with variable power supply,
possible draino and soda pop or