aha! this is the first time i''ve offered this particular folder for sale anywhere. the same day i posted it here, i also did at my custom flashlight forum (CPF) because many of the folks over there also appreciate such high quality workmanship. (
re: prices - the economy has been a bit hard on knife collectors too. while some standard production models (all brands) have decreased slightly in price, the nicer/rarer ones have held their value pretty well. of course condition is everything, as is having the correct paperwork, box, case, etc.
in the case of this WH, they seem to have held their value well, mostly because the less-expensive models are harder to come by these days. WH is now focused on making more of the very fancy versions, ones that regular folks usually can't afford (nor would they carry and use them).
thus, nicely finished affordable models like this B5TI are desired as "users" by folks who also appreciate fine handguns like the Rohrbaugh. i consider myself in this group.
hope that helps....