I've read some posts about the oils that you guys like, does anyone carry using a dry lube so that it doesn't built up lint and such? ...then use something thicker at the range?
There has been some discussion about dry lube. No one has "used it" range time wise as I can remember.
It makes good sense doing so as you have described. However, I have held back because I just wondered, and have forgot to pose this next question to the group.
Do you think the dry lube will hamper the application of "wet" on top of it for range use? Will it run off easier? Sling off as the slide travels since there is a base of dry lube.
As the tolerances are so tight to begin with, the dry luble will wear through immediate and it will make no difference.
I have no idea, just wondering.
Now what I do know-
I have tried dry lube on my competition guns in a match. And it failed before in less than 60 rounds, i.e. 60 cycles.