Author Topic: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report  (Read 12241 times)

Offline thor447

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Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« on: August 30, 2012, 11:39:07 PM »
Well the gun gods smiled down on me today and let me get to my FFL before they closed to take possession of my new Boberg XR9-S Platinum edition.  This is only the second firearm I've ever bought without actually holding it in my hands and I have to say I am very impressed.  The first thing that stood out to me was the quality of the machining work on the pistol.  It was very obvious that this was a labor of love for the craftsman making it and it absolutely shows in the final product. 

I actually expected this firearm to be a little heavier than it turned out to be, which initially worried me my ability to stay on target during rapid firing.  My  fears were put to rest shortly after taking it to the range for it's initial run.  Trigger pull on my XR9 mesaured between 7.91lbs and 8.07lbs and I personally feel it is on par with the smoothness and crisp reset as the Rohrbaugh. 

The only thing that took me for a surprise is the direction and velocity that it ejects the spent cartridge.  They ejected almost backwards close to 20 feet and actually hit one of the Boberg spectators in the neck.  He was fine and was jokingly harassed by others for being in the line of the "ejection-fire".  After initially putting around 30 rounds through it, just to get the feel for it and my comfort level up with the firearm, I put out the first 'pictured' target at 7 yards.

The first picture of the top right target I was firing Hornady Critical Duty JHP 135 Grain.  Now I DO NOT claim to be anywhere near the worlds best shot with a pocket gun, so this was satisfactory to me.  This was 5 rounds at 7 yards, fired slowly and deliberately aiming at the center of the target.  I did not feel as if I was inconsistent aiming or firing the gun.  The rounds just were not nearly as uniform as the other ammunition and I honestly cannot blame the grouping here as pure shooters error.  I felt very consistent during each shot with regards to aiming and trigger pull.  Sometimes you know immediately when you fire low/high or off center.  I did not get this feeling with these rounds but the results show differently.

The second picture of the top left target I was firing Speer Gold Dot 124 Grain JHP.  This ammo was obviously slightly easier to fire (although the 135 grain Hornady was not hard to handle either) I felt better about my results firing 5 rounds at 7 yards.  I did have two rounds lower than the others, and I can blame this 100% as shooters error.  I knew immediately that I had fired low, and the other 3 shots I felt went exactly on target when the gun fired.

The third picture is of all the Hornady Critical Duty JHP 135 Grain I had left, 24 or 25 rounds fired at 5 yards.  Just as stated above, I am not the greatest pocket pistol shooter, and there were a few stragglers in the group, but the results are consistent with the "inconsistency" of the same ammunition fired at 7 yards.

The last picture is of the final 15 rounds of Speer Gold Dot 124 Grain JHP that I had brought with me, fired at 5 yards.  The round at the bottom right of the target is a part of a different grouping in another picture.   I felt I had better consistency with the Gold Dots on this group just as before at 7 yards.  There are a few errant shots that are of my doing, but it appears that I have measurably better results with the Gold Dots than the Hornady ammunition with this Boberg and will use the Gold Dots when I carry this firearm.  It will be some time before I can do that because now I have to find a good lefty holster for it.  As I practice more and more with this firearm, I know my results will improve however I am fully satisfied with the results I got with the Gold Dots and have the confidence to carry this weapon in the future.

I had zero issues with this pistol, and after firing close to 150 through it today, (mostly by me, but a friend of mine at the range 'HAD' to shoot it, than one of the gunsmiths came out and put 2 magazines through it! I am very impressed thus far with it's reliability and ease of firing.   The firearm was very comfortable and I can see how one could easily put several hundred rounds through it in a range session without discomfort.  Field stripping and cleaning were just as simple as can be, and I am just absolutely thoroughly pleased with this firearm in every way so far.  If you don't have one - GET ONE!!  I am so glad I finally did.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 12:03:14 AM by thor447 »
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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2012, 07:55:11 AM »
 Good report. I have a question though. Due to it's unusual shape how do uou percieve the ability to carry concealed? Seems like on the waist or in the waistband the rear of the slide would poke out . And in the pocket there would be other issues with the combination of Rear ward slide and having to reach past the slide to get to the grip. Would the slige angle back and catch on pockets? Does anyone make holsters for this gun?

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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2012, 08:49:05 AM »
I carry one all the time in my right front pocket.  It is not like carrying a R9 but it is doable for me.  I use a DeSantis Superfly and the grip is quite easy to grasp and draw.  Ir is really about as large and heavy as I would want to get, but a Meco Paddle or Billy holster would be another option.

Here is a link to Boberg's holster list.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 09:06:34 AM by MRC »

Offline thor447

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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2012, 12:23:22 PM »
Thanks MRC.
"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2012, 03:30:24 PM »

Excellent rang report. I just recently put my order for two Platinum XR9s as well. I cannot wait for them to arrive. I did not order any holsters yet for them. I wanted to hold the gun and see how it feels. I am sure I will end up purchasing a Meco paddle holster and a Meco right front pocket holster. Keep us posted on your like and dislikes. Enjoy your new purchase :)

Offline Ljutic

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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2012, 07:05:24 PM »
Good report. I have a question though. Due to it's unusual shape how do uou percieve the ability to carry concealed? Seems like on the waist or in the waistband the rear of the slide would poke out . And in the pocket there would be other issues with the combination of Rear ward slide and having to reach past the slide to get to the grip. Would the slige angle back and catch on pockets? Does anyone make holsters for this gun?


I went another direction and made my own back pocket holster from a left handed Remora I would never have used.  It works great.

I have a Prince holster in the works to try as a front pocket holster.  I'll let you all know how that works out when it arrives.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2012, 07:10:15 PM by Ljutic »
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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2012, 07:07:24 PM »
Well the gun gods smiled down on me today and let me get to my FFL before they closed to take possession of my new Boberg XR9-S Platinum edition.

Congrats and welcome to the Boberg Club.  That thing blings so hard it hurts my eyes!!!!   8)
Owner of, and sole contributor to the Pocket Guns and Gear Blog.

Offline thor447

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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2012, 08:03:36 PM »
Well the gun gods smiled down on me today and let me get to my FFL before they closed to take possession of my new Boberg XR9-S Platinum edition.

Congrats and welcome to the Boberg Club.  That thing blings so hard it hurts my eyes!!!!   8)

haha, thanks Ljutic.  I just need to find some ivory grips for it now!

More bling for you!

"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
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Offline billib

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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2012, 05:16:15 PM »
I'm interested in an "L" version.
Any suggestion on a finish? Is
one easier to clean than the other?
What about their durability? I'm
leaning toward a Black everything
version. Thanks!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 10:22:36 PM by billib »

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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2012, 08:38:44 PM »
My FFL called me and told me my two Boberg Platinum editions were in. I am camping for the weekend and cannot pick them up until next week. :( I cannot wait.  :)

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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2012, 05:46:47 PM »

I just got on the pre-order waiting list and realize I have sooooooooommmmmeeee time before I can actually order the XR9 but
I can't decide between the Platinum Edition or the Onyx Black.  I think the black is self lubricating.... not sure exactly what that mean?

I know I have to make up my mind but looking for pros and cons to each finish?
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Offline smokemup

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Re: Boberg XR9-C Platinum Edition Arrived + Initial Range Report
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2012, 07:12:14 PM »
Boberg's are simply awesome! I have the 2-tone, but I've always liked a natural finish on slides. Mainly because they aren't as prone to 'polishing' or 'scuffing' from holster wear or even general use. The platinum edition would be my choice if it were available when I ordered mine. It gives you the ability to have more grip color choices that would work well with it, if you're into that kind of thing, like me.  :)   I have a customized Sig P238 that I sent off to CCR (Cummings Custom Refinishing) for some of their high end work, similar to Robar. It's amazing how nice it is and how durable the finish is. I think it's pure eye candy! When I picked up the Rohrbaugh, I thought the same thing. Wow. Same impression as when I picked up the Boberg. They're all terrific guns if you ask me, and serious contenders for pocket guns you'll actually not hate carrying. For now, I think the Rohrbaugh is the number 1 EDC piece because of it's lighter weight and narrow size. The ballistics of the Boberg are better, of course, but 4 to 5 oz heavier, and even though it doesn't sound like much, it sure makes a big difference for me. I always seem to revert to the Sig P238 as my wallet holster carry piece even though I like the Boberg much better (7+1, long barrel, +p+ capable, low recoil, etc), but the Boberg at 4 oz more weight is just enough to make it very a borderline EDC pocket pistol for me. Still an amazing piece of engineering though. The Rohrbaugh is still too new (to me) to rate, but suspect it will eventually be my EDC piece as it's nearly identical to the P238 in dimensions and weight, maybe even a tad lighter, and it's a 9 mil of all things. So, when you can't make up your mind, you get all of them, right?!
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 07:16:56 PM by smokemup »
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