As do I. I keep a Seecamp .32 in my pocket, or the R9 depending on the clothing and have, as well, larger "artillery" available in strategic places in my home. Situational awareness is difficult when you are in your home...reaction time is limited if someone kicks in a door or window, or drives up when you are at the mailbox or laying tile in an outbuilding, etc. There is a weapon in my car when I'm in it, usually something .38 or above, and a pocket or hip pistol usually as well. I can't carry a weapon into the hospital, which makes no sense to me since the nutcases ignore the signs, leaving the staff pretty much defenseless (several episodes of brandishing in the past several years, but no shots fired so far). My Seecamp is engraved "Marte Suo Tutus" which is my family clan motto and translates: "safe by my own effort." I don't feel paranoid, just prepared.