Especially with such small guns. Editing out the
footage of you walking around on the range would
I think improve your videos just a bit.
I must ask, why the fasination with the DB9? Or
am I reading you wrong?
The DB9 1 year follow up review was intentionally long and left unedited because the pistol has received a bad reputation (justifiably so in many cases, but not all) for being unreliable. No edits means no tricks to hide reliability issues with feeding, firing, or extraction. 99 out of 100 was legitimate. I agree that it's way too long for what it is, but how else could you show the whole story?
Why I am fascinated by the DB9? There is no other 9mm out on the market that can compare to the DB9's size, weight, and width. I was also one of the first to review it so I've got a bit of vested interest in seeing if my predictions about the DB9, from June 2011, will come true or not.
I hope the videos continue to get better as I go. I'm currently up to running 3 cameras on some shoots and managing all 3 by myself. I'm actually pretty amazed I can hit anything most of the time with all the distractions about where to stand and trying to remember if all the cameras were filming before I started shooting.
Why am I fascinated by pocket 9's and other pocket guns in general? I have no idea. I just am. Maybe that will change some day, but for right now I'm enjoying myself.