When I purchase a firearm, I always take it completely apart and look at everything. I give it a general cleaning with Breakfree CLP. I give it a wipe down / and wipe off places that aren't suppossed to have any lube and then I make sure I lube to mfg specifications.
I inspect it for any metal shavings, chips, gouges, fractures or broken parts. I also inspect it because I want to know exactly what it looked like before I fired it. I don't want to find a mark on the pistol after a range trip and wonder "was that there before I fired it?"
After I inspect it, clean and lube it, I put it all back together and do a function check.
I do this all before I go to the range.
Please let us know how it fires at the range today. I'm waiting (and working) for a carry law here in Illinois before purchasing a pocket nine. The pistols that I am interested in are the R9, the PM9 and the Boberg XR9-S - in that order. Not real comfortable with the XR9-S basically being a bullet puller with some brands of ammo.
But anyway, please let us know how your range trip goes.