Author Topic: COP .357 Derringer  (Read 8837 times)

Offline thor447

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COP .357 Derringer
« on: May 06, 2012, 11:44:26 PM »
I've always wanted one of these purely for it's aesthetic value.  Their trigger is close to 15lbs.  Only holds 4 rounds, and it tears your hand up when it's fired.   With all that said, when I saw this at the end of the movie 'Bad Boys' (1995) when the bad guy pulls it as a last ditch effort, and the camera zoomed and showed the 4 barrels, I fell in love.  Well I finally located 1 for sale that the seller wasn't charging an arm and a leg, so I took a 6 hour road trip yesterday and picked it up.  My non-gun friends called me crazy, wondering why I'd go to such lengths to acquire a firearm which is honestly more of a novelty gun, being that there are far cheaper and more modern firearms that out-class it.  I know that you guys and gals can understand that when you want something, you don't need an explanation, you just want it.

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Offline Jack_F

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Re: COP .357 Derringer
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2012, 06:28:42 AM »
I've always wanted one of these purely for it's aesthetic value.  Their trigger is close to 15lbs.  Only holds 4 rounds, and it tears your hand up when it's fired.   With all that said, when I saw this at the end of the movie 'Bad Boys' (1995) when the bad guy pulls it as a last ditch effort, and the camera zoomed and showed the 4 barrels, I fell in love.  Well I finally located 1 for sale that the seller wasn't charging an arm and a leg, so I took a 6 hour road trip yesterday and picked it up.  My non-gun friends called me crazy, wondering why I'd go to such lengths to acquire a firearm which is honestly more of a novelty gun, being that there are far cheaper and more modern firearms that out-class it.  I know that you guys and gals can understand that when you want something, you don't need an explanation, you just want it.

I would have a glass case made and display it..... 8)
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Offline Z

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Re: COP .357 Derringer
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2012, 09:04:30 AM »
Very interisting looking gun.

It's one of those guns you would just buy to have.

Offline kjtrains

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Re: COP .357 Derringer
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2012, 09:17:00 AM »
Congrats, Adam.  This one looks to be in great condition.  I've been looking for one of these for the past while; came close a couple of times.  Something just was not always right.  Enjoy this, for sure and I agree; nice to have.    :) 
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Offline Reinz

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Re: COP .357 Derringer
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2012, 03:22:54 PM »
Congratulations on your find.

I bought two of these when they first came out 30+ years ago.  One for me and one for my father in law.

I shot mine once, when I was young and full of testosterone. And that was enough.

It is now gaurding the back entrance of one of my safes.