Author Topic: Is there ANYONE considering trading their R9 for the new S&W M&P Shield ??  (Read 12850 times)

Offline Reinz

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Guys in their 50's and beyond will remember the old Lucky Strike cigarette ads; " I'd rather fight than switch !"   Showing a guy with a black eye.

My sentiments.


Offline Jack_F

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I like the Shield -- a lot.  In fact, maybe enough  to get me to trade my Glock for a full-size M&P.  (Trade in the figurative sense, not the literal sense--i.e., trade places in my heart). 

However, the Shield and the R-9 are totally different guns.  PM-9, also different--but a little closer.  Putting aside the quality issues, an R-9 is a true pocket gun.  The Shield is not.  You might get away with pocket carry in the right sized pocket, but its not a pocket gun.

As for actually trading guns -- be careful.  You often regret the ones that get away.

I put some orange sight paint on the front sight of my Shield. It was a nice addition for me. The M&P pistols are easy to shoot well......JMO... ;)

I have two R9's though.............. ;D
« Last Edit: May 15, 2012, 06:05:48 PM by Jack_F »
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Offline sslater

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I wouldn't trade my early R9s (serial # R3xx) for any other gun.  Last year I bought a Ruger LC9 for those occasions when I wouldn't want to risk the Rohrbaugh, but found it doesn't fit as easily in the pocket.  As good a shooter as LC9 is, compared to the R9s it feels like a clunker.  A clunker with a somewhat weird trigger.  Especially compared to the R9.  I take that back - no other pocket-size gun compares to the R9 trigger feel.  That's what sold me on the R9 back in 2005 when the late John Johnson let me handle and dry-fire his sample R9.
There is currently an empty spot in safe for a .40 S&W pistol, as I finally broke down and gave my 1994-vintage H&K USP to my son.   That S&W M&P Shield in .40 S&W may be a good replacement as it is much more suited for concealed carry than the duty-size USP.
My nephew picked up a Shield in 9mm.  He owns quite a few high end pistols and really likes the Shield for those quick trips to the store, etc.  The only reason he didn't buy the .40 Shield is his gun shop couldn't get hold of one for him.
I'd probably wait another 3 to 6 months before buying a .40 S&W Shield.  Been burned several times by my impulsive "need" to have the latest and greatest pistol (and car, and computer....) 


Offline Retops

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To me, the Shield is a nice looking small pistol, rather like my Walther PPS, but totally not a pocket gun. The only gun in the pocket for me is the R9 or possibly my old PM9.

Offline Dire_Straits

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Not a chance of getting rid of my R9. Trust me, I've looked far and wide for something better, but in the realm of pocketpistols, the R9 is king IMHO.

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