A few days ago a police buddy asked me if he could try out the R9. We headed out to the range on the spur of the moment and shot up my magazines of Gold Dots and a few more of cheap Winchester. Everything worked great, accuracy was better that you should expect from a pocket gun, and my friend handed the R9 back to me saying he was going to buy one immediately as an off duty and back-up pistol.
His purchase got me to thinking about the old axiom that "one is none; two is one". So I picked up a new R9 Stealth yesterday to go with my R9 stainless. I have been carrying and using my R9 daily since last year and find it just fits my needs perfectly. A constant gun shop visitor, I am regularly looking at the new stuff but continue to think nothing is as good as my R9. Haven't taken the new one out yet, but I am pleased to have it.
I presume that owning two of these now qualifies me for full membership in the club. I suspect quite a few of you all are already there.