As an Engineer I am beginning to find this whole thing humorous:
1. Buy your grips from VZ
2. Buy your screws from Yankee
3. Buy your o-rings from Richard S
Wow! Problem solved. There must be an easier way Karl.
there is an easier way:
1. use the factory grips/ factory screws with a "drop" of blue loctite and snug them up after trip to said range.
2. use VZ grips/ VZ screws with a "drop" of blue loctite and snug them up after trip to said range.
is it that difficult?
A couple of guys have a issue with screw-heads stripping (all the stories vary i.e. : too tight, too much loctite, i made a whoops...) and it becomes an inherent design flaw on the "thousand dollar gun" which is completely unacceptable b/c it's a "thousand dollar gun".
I remember last year i was shooting trap with my Beretta AL391, and part of the stock cracked. 400 rounds through the gun and a crack. i called Beretta and reminded them i payed 1150.00 out the door, didn't get through the second case of remington gun-club lights and the stock cracked. they said to send back the stock and they would send a new one...2 weeks go by and i was a happy camper with a new butt-stock. A part failed on the gun, it's still worth every penny of 1150.00, and doesn't make me wonder about it's obvious design flaws or question it's quality. If Karl stands by the R9 and calls you directly, that speaks volumes. I wonder what Mr. Beretta was doing that was so important that he couldn't call me