Author Topic: Finally got my first Rohrbaugh R-9 - hollow points or no?  (Read 13786 times)

Offline Jack_F

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Re: Finally got my first Rohrbaugh R-9 - hollow points or no?
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2012, 09:39:41 AM »
Welcome also from Tennessee!  Be advised that these pistols are ammo sensitive...almost all like Gold Dots.  Many like Silvertips.  Speer Lawman is much cheaper and work well for range work and plinking.  Mostly use the higher grade ammo and see what your R9 likes to "eat."  If you use it for carry, fire 13 from a box of ammo and if all work well, load the rest for carry (this due to the fact that all makes have variability in quality from box to box).

Also, disassemble, clean and lubricate before the first firing.

Congrats on you purchase!

Not to be argumentative, but why 13 rounds? I've always put approximately 100-200 rounds of my carry ammo through a pistol prior to being I missing something?

You would run 100-200 to establish your ammo.....after that most boxes have 20 rounds...test 13..carry 7...just to make sure THAT BOX lot does not have any issues
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Offline Z

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Re: Finally got my first Rohrbaugh R-9 - hollow points or no?
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2012, 11:01:14 AM »
I dont believe he is saying to run only 13 rounds throught he gun before you trust to carry it.

I believe he is saying once you break in the PUP, if you have a box of 20 rounds, shoot 13 and keep the rest to carry in the gun. Not only do you know the gun works, you will know the rounds fron the same box you are carrying work as well.

I hope i did not confuse you, i had to rewrite it twice. :)

Offline tmobileguy

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Re: Finally got my first Rohrbaugh R-9 - hollow points or no?
« Reply #17 on: February 03, 2012, 01:19:49 PM »
shot the pup yesterday...12rds and my hand was feelin it lol...definitely 'snappy' as described...also had a longer trigger pull then i expected but I guess thats a given with DAO...all rounds fired, no jams or fte's, ftf's etc etc, accuracy was pretty good for such a powerful little package but if I am using it I am guess accuracy is prob a moot it for what it is, which is something that will def save your life, and not something you take to the range for pleasure shooting...

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Re: Finally got my first Rohrbaugh R-9 - hollow points or no?
« Reply #18 on: February 03, 2012, 01:29:18 PM »

All of the above--it will serve you well.

Offline Z

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Re: Finally got my first Rohrbaugh R-9 - hollow points or no?
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2012, 02:58:39 PM »
Awsome, glad it performed flawless for you.

Thanks for the update! :)

Offline ricardo

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Re: Finally got my first Rohrbaugh R-9 - hollow points or no?
« Reply #20 on: February 03, 2012, 03:22:57 PM »
shot the pup yesterday...12rds and my hand was feelin it lol...definitely 'snappy' as described...also had a longer trigger pull then i expected but I guess thats a given with DAO...all rounds fired, no jams or fte's, ftf's etc etc, accuracy was pretty good for such a powerful little package but if I am using it I am guess accuracy is prob a moot it for what it is, which is something that will def save your life, and not something you take to the range for pleasure shooting...
Yeah, I feel the same way and heck,,,,,,It beats having to use your fists for self defense. :D

On another note: like you, I'm new to the forum and a former lurker. Welcome!
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Offline backupr9

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Re: Finally got my first Rohrbaugh R-9 - hollow points or no?
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2012, 03:39:10 PM »
accuracy was pretty good for such a powerful little package but if I am using it I am guess accuracy is prob a moot it for what it is, which is something that will def save your life, and not something you take to the range for pleasure shooting...

Accuracy with the Pup gets better with practice.  I still have problems with one hand shooting with this pistol (as opposed to the Seecamp .32, where one hand works better), but at least for me with a two hand weaver stance the pup is deadly at 7 yards.  You just have to get used to how it points.  Recommend you also get a 9mm snap cap and work with your trigger pull and pointing.  This thing just grows on you, and it sits on the hip in a good holster perfectly, light and unobtrusive, but reassuringly solid, and warm with body heat when un-holstered. 
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