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Gun Blast FINALLY conducted a review of the Rohrbaugh and it has the blue CF grips WITH the Rohrbaugh Crest on it!!! Unbelieveable. I distinctly asked for the blues with that and was told they didn't offer that option. I really wish these people would get their sh*t together!!!! Ripped off yet again...
Good point, Ryan; I would be willing to do the same. The crest needs to be there.
Ken (or anyone else) is there any news on adding the crests to the blue VZ CF Tribue grips? Hopefully they will come around and offer this.
I know this doesnt mean much but it seems to differ from the post Duane did during Shot Show 2012 where he announced"Rohrbaugh Custom ShopMaybe the best news for some of you. Rohrbaugh is going to start offering custom "one off" R-9s to your specs. A couple examples are shown below. More details on these two later--both are for sale."'ll take one Tribue with "custom" Rohrbaugh crest on the grips please......