I think I'm in the majority here.
I bought my first Rohrbaugh (R9S Stealth #1831) a few days ago. It arrived Friday. I bought it sight unseen, and as a matter of fact, it's the first Rohrbaugh I had ever seen in person. Nobody I knew had one. No one at the local gun ranges or gunshops had seen one.
I bought it solely after reading the forum postings here and elsewhere. I bought it, eventhough I had read some postings questioning the cost, reliability and tempermental nature of the pistol.
MY EXPERIENCE (BRIEFLY) - To familiarize myself with the pistol, I disassembled and reassembled it at least dozen times before I went to the range the next day. I made some makeshift tools ala Steve Bedair's posting. After a few tries, I was able to break it down and put it back together in less than a minute. It was not nearly as bad as I was expecting. Similarly, I was expecting at least a hiccup or two on the range. What actually happened was nothing short of flawless. I shot an entire value pack (100#) of standard Winchester white box during the shooting session. No problems whatsoever.
I think I'm in the vast majority here and my experience is probably very typical. I'm glad my instincts were right about this forum and the pistol itself. That is: For every posting by an unhappy owner challenging cost, reliability, and/or workmanship of their gun; there are a thousand very satisfied Rohrbaugh owners in the silent (and not-so-silent) majority who have had no problems whatsoever with this pistol.
Does 1 in 1000 sound about right?