Author Topic: Personalization  (Read 11718 times)

Offline rtw

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« on: December 09, 2004, 02:03:42 PM »
I recently bought an IPOD Mini. I was able to select one of several colors and also had my initials engraved/etched in it.

At some point, perhaps one could select the frame as well as grip color of their choice from several options. Likewise, factory engraving/etching options, including name or initials could be offered.

Using the IPOD example again, I ordered it via Apple's website on  Sunday afternoon. According to the UPS tracking info it was picked up in Shanghai, China on Tuesday afternoon. I received it Thursday. Unbelievable but true.
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Re: Personalization
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2004, 04:03:22 PM »
Sorry,but I must ask,  what is a  IPOD Mini?


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« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2004, 04:51:22 PM »
>>Now that the Black grips have come on the scene, and if the Blue grips were still available, I would be surprised if people would opt for Blue if given the choice.

My guess is that the R-boys will not be offering a choice in grip color anytime soon due to cost.  But it sure would be nice if a quality grip maker would come up with aftermarket options...!  My personal, all time favorite grip fantasy would be for Crimson Trace to come up with Laser grips for the R9...OOOOOOO...AHHHHHHHH, so sweet...!  I would be on that [glb]SOOOO[/glb] fast...!!!  Anyone else have thoughts about Laser grips for your Baby...?...other Laser options...?...pros and cons...?

Engraving might be a nice option for the R9...something to compliment the script already on the guns.  What other after market items can folks come up with...??  I'm especially interested in new and unusual leather for the R9...made for places on ones body besides pocket or belly pouch carry, but of this nature.  Thoughts, anyone...?...TW<<

Offline rtw

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« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2004, 05:14:04 PM »

See the following link.
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Offline dfsutton

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Re: Personalization
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2005, 05:45:29 PM »
I think the real question is why Rohrbaugh would offer color choices on the grips? It just doesn't make any sense from a buisness perspective.

  Carbon Fiber and G-10 laminate is pricey material.  In order to support color choices in grips they would have to keep a ton of it in various colors to make sure they could support the wishes and whims of each customer. This would result in needing a huge backstock of materials and would drive their overhead through the roof.  
  As for the second part, I know that if Laser Grips were available for it, I'd be hard pressed not to pick up a set just out of curiosity.
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Offline sslater

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Re: Personalization
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2005, 06:16:47 PM »
I'd go for a set of Crimson Trace laser grips for my R9S without a second's hesitation!

Bought a set for my S&W 686 some time ago.  First class product.  Would ba a good match for the Rohrbaugh quality.

Next time Crimson Trace sends me an e-mail, I'll ask for Rohrbaugh grips.  If enough people ask, they may make some up,

Offline R9SCarry

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Re: Personalization
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2005, 08:07:58 PM »
Thinking of my SIG CT grips - I rather think the R9 would be quite tricky.  First and foremost the need for right panel to be all but an integral component for mechanics - viz the trigger transfer bar for which the std grip is machined out.

Then too - the CT version would have to find a way to keep slim and yet incorporate their usual 2 x 2032 batteries.  The actual laser housing I'd not worry about as a protrusion - it is just the logistics of the rest that seems more than tricky.

If however it became a reality - oh my would I snap those up - I have CT's on four handguns now and love em - big time.
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« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2005, 03:59:39 PM »
>>Actually...  There will be a new type of CT grips coming out for Glocks in the months ahead...I think these can be seen on the CT web site.  From the looks of them they are attached to the existing grip as a snap on...and I'm wondering if this technology might be used for an R9...?

On the other hand...the idea of CT grips on an R9 has been discussed here before somewhere.  I even contacted CT about the idea and fairly quickly got back a letter saying to the effect...thanks for the thought, the R9 is in the mill and it's just a matter of months...  I was ecstatic...!...

Then for the fun of it I sent in another letter asking the same question for my XTR-85 sub Compact Millennium Bear Buster.  Once again I received a timely reply saying...thanks for the thought, the XTR-85 sub compact millennium Bear Buster is in the mill and it's just a matter of months...  **sigh**...

Point being...yes, with today's technology it probably is possibly to make a decent set of CT-type grips for our little pup.  However...until the CT patent expires, and someone at 'Lil Jo's True Value Gun Store decides to make CT-type grips available at a dollar two-ninety-eight...I kinda think we are better off learning to point shoot our R9s for better accuracy...TW<<