I do appreciate all of the info you and a some others can be counted on to provide.
...... that Sir is a kind comment and thank you. You are most welcome.
Much of this board/forum deal is sharing - of opinion and experience. It is a feedback system in many ways .. and my feeling is simply .. if I have a thought or experience, it just
might be of interest to others .... same way as I have profitted from contributions by others.
No board can survive and prosper without input ... sometimes that is flippant, sometimes serious - but the result is still a ''gathering round the table'' .. to exchange ideas and debate.. usually and hopefully in the end ... a beneficial experience for all participants.
I find myself spending way too much time on the boards generally but .. when I can I do and derive great pleasure from the interchange of thought.. and even sometimes a pleasant feeling of friendship and cameraderie that comes with a common interest and goal.
ENOUGH! Any who know me are aware that I ramble .. it's one of my sins.!!