OK, so after all the issues I have had with the pup, I sent it back to Rohrbaugh to check it out. They had it for about two weeks, which is not bad at all, and said they only found a very small burr inside the firing pin assembly, but they had removed it and it test fired for them.
So I took it to the range again.
This time, one night have said that it was better, but just barely.
Everything fired this time, but about half of the "good" ammo required a second trigger pull, with the least expensive ammo working fairly well. I tried 12 of the Gold Dot 124gr, 12 of the Hornady TAP (which also didn't feed very well), 12 of the PMC Starfire, and about 50 rounds of the Winchester White box.
The WWB fired most of the rounds on the first pull. The other three all required a second pull on every other shot.
Needless to say, I am less than pleased, and still don't think that this is a reliable firearm. Add to that $75 every time I try to send it back to Rohrbaugh, and this little gun is getting WAY too expensive for something I can't even carry.
I am completely disappointed.