Welcome. Don't want to dissuade you from searching for an R9, but if you're a huge Beretta fan you are aware that Beretta just announced a new micro 9, right?
I am a fan of [some] Beretta,s. The PX4, although an excellent gun and accurate with the rotating barrel, it is just plain ugly to me.
The Nano, not my style either. Partly because of the composite look, light weight, yes, hope Beretta does well with them.
I like steel. Some will argue composite is stronger than steel. Fine, whatever, I like the solid feel of steel.
Yeah, I know the 92 frame is alloy, but an expected service life of 35,000 rounds with reports of guns lasting well over 50,000 rounds, purdy tough.
Although the Rohrbaugh looks to be the epitome of Micro nines from what I gather. That's a chunk of $$, but if the bad guy situation comes that' insurance. I believe you would feel quite a bit more secure with with one in a situation than a cheapo.
I'm saving up.