Author Topic: R9S issues  (Read 12537 times)

Offline fgunnr

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R9S issues
« on: June 23, 2011, 10:16:56 AM »
I purchased my R9 new in 2005.  It has the desired carbon fiber grips. I have only fired Winchester Silver tips.  I tried to get this gun to be reliable but every time I took it out to shoot I had FTF and FTE issues.  I let it sit in the safe for over a year and in 2009 sent it back to Rohrbaugh with a letter explaining my problems.  They replaced the slide with a new slide(sighted) and returned it to me.  On my first trip to the range I experienced the same FTE and FTF problems but to a lesser degree.  So, back in the safe it goes until this week.  I asked a local firearms instructor to take the gun and shoot it and let me know if it was me or the gun.
He fired one mag without issues but had FTE on the second(and different)mag.  The FTE mag also ejected the casing back into his face.  In short he said it was the gun and not me.  I am frustrated because I want to carry this beautiful gun but can't and I will not sell something that is not reliable.

I guess my only option is to return it to Rohrbaugh again.  Thanks for letting me rant.

Offline LostangelinTX

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2011, 10:20:07 AM »
Is it always the same mag?  Lips buggered up on the mag?  Take a small piece of fine sand paper and VERY lightly polish the feed ramp a little bit.  Might be a jagged edge there?  

Offline MRC

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2011, 11:41:44 AM »
I am curious what ammo that Rohrbaugh uses to function test their pistols.  I too had a R9 that would not function with anything but Blaser aluminum.  Three of us tried with seven brands of ammo and never got a full magazine off.  I had a PM9 and the other two had PF9's and they all functioned 100% with the same ammo so I don't think we all were limp wristing it.

I sent the pistol back to Long Island and they said the gun functioned perfectly.  I purchased a different R9 and it is 100% through 150 rounds of the same ammo and my practice reloads.  I don't know what they used unless it was the Blaser aluminum.

Offline yankee2500

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2011, 12:41:11 PM »
I purchased my R9 new in 2005.  It has the desired carbon fiber grips. I have only fired Winchester Silver tips.  I tried to get this gun to be reliable but every time I took it out to shoot I had FTF and FTE issues.  I let it sit in the safe for over a year and in 2009 sent it back to Rohrbaugh with a letter explaining my problems.  They replaced the slide with a new slide(sighted) and returned it to me.  On my first trip to the range I experienced the same FTE and FTF problems but to a lesser degree.  So, back in the safe it goes until this week.  I asked a local firearms instructor to take the gun and shoot it and let me know if it was me or the gun.
He fired one mag without issues but had FTE on the second(and different)mag.  The FTE mag also ejected the casing back into his face.  In short he said it was the gun and not me.  I am frustrated because I want to carry this beautiful gun but can't and I will not sell something that is not reliable.

I guess my only option is to return it to Rohrbaugh again.  Thanks for letting me rant.

You say you have only used Silvertips in the gun, if thats the case I would try some other brands of premium SD ammo.
  My first choice would be Speere Gold Dots also Winchester Ranger, Golden Sabers or Federal Hydra Shocks would be good to try.  Until you rule out ammo I wouldn't give up on the gun, there are others on the forum who have had issues with the Silvertips but another brand works flawless.

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Offline theirishguard

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2011, 01:27:11 PM »
also check the OAL of rounds.  Tom
Tom Watson, DVC , Quis Separabit ,  Who dares wins, Utrinque Paratus

Offline fgunnr

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2011, 01:50:44 PM »
What should the OAL be?

Offline Relic

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2011, 02:54:59 PM »
I've only put 240 rounds through my R9, but it's had zero failures, although I've not tried Winchester Silver Tips, so I can't say if they function well or not.  I use Gold Dots for SD ammo and just about anything cheap for range ammo.

I assume by FTF you mean failure to feed and not failure to fire.  Along with the FTE's that gives you a clue.

If the mag spring is over strong (pushes next round up too hard) or recoil spring is a bit over strong that could cause the slide to move more slowly in recoil.  This often causes a FTE.  Try loading three rounds (less spring pressure) and see if it functions.

The solution for a mag spring is to load and unload it fully several times then leave it loaded for a few days.
An easy solution to "loosen up" the firearm is to rack the slide 100-200 times.  

You'd be surprised how many "broken" pistols I've fixed this way.  The factory just may be using a heavier bullet or a slightly stronger recoiling round that the Silver Tips, this would impart more thrust to the slide and force a tight gun/spring to function reliably.  Hence the factory says the gun works but you say it doesn't.  The factory also may not load the magazine fully, putting less upward pressure on the slide.

One last possibility, the above scenario with the slide not cycling with enough momentum to feed/eject can be caused by a poor grip that allows the frame to recoil to much/too quickly and reduce the movement of the slide relative to the frame.  This could also be caused by a thumb dragging on the slide. An extremely common error, even with experienced shooters using very small framed auto's.  

I've had many folks say the gun was defective, only to have it work perfectly clamped in a rest.  Basically the frame has to remain motionless for long enough for the slide to cycle.  In these small guns, this is a big issue for some people.  My PM45 is flawless in my hands, but more than half of the people that shoot it have FTE issues because the 230gr .45 ACP in such a light firearm  is too much for their grip/strength/style, or they drag their thumb on the side of the slide.

Try this to eliminate yourself as the cause of the trouble:

1.)  Shoot one-handed, if it functions correctly your support hand is dragging on the slide at some point when shooting two handed.  If not, try #2.

 2.)  Clamp the pistol in a rest and fire it.  If it functions correctly your allowing the pistol to move too much with your grip.  If it still malfunctions, you're not the issue.

Good luck and feel free to drop me a message if I can help out.
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Offline fgunnr

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2011, 03:15:21 PM »

I will try your advice.  I tried to take myself out by having someone more qualified than I fire the pistol.  He had the same issues I did.  

I am going to try some Speer Gold Dots and I am going to load up the mags now and let them sit until the ammo gets here in a week or so.  


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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2011, 05:21:22 PM »

Another variation of the download suggestion is to load just one, fire it, then two, etc. until you have fired a full mag.

Offline Craigt

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2011, 10:36:31 PM »
I am convinced that the several years of these same problems that I experienced were caused by the original mag springs.  Much lighter than the newer ones.  

Once they were replaced I have had almost no problems.

Craig T.

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2011, 02:09:52 AM »
I am convinced that the several years of these same problems that I experienced were caused by the original mag springs.  Much lighter than the newer ones.  

Once they were replaced I have had almost no problems.

Craig T.

Craig is right...

I am the second owner of an early Deer Park R9s R6XX, the original owner replaced the original mag springs and never experienced any problems. I'm up to 350 with no issues (expect for one lone GD 115gr rd that would not fire in any of my guns). Replace the mag springs and see if that helps

Offline fgunnr

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2011, 11:56:00 AM »
Based on your information I am going to do the following

1. try Speer Gold Dots
2. load 1 then 2 etc
3 lube well(eezox)
4.the mags are sitting loaded to help with a possible spring problem

If this doesn't work I guess I will send it back to Rohrbaugh again

thanks to all

Offline Craigt

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2011, 09:29:12 PM »
fgunnr, you should buy & try some new mag springs before sending it back to the factory.

Offline backupr9

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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2011, 05:24:00 PM »
On another thread in this forum the consensus (based on good references) is that mag springs do not deteriorate due to leaving the mag loaded for long periods, as opposed to recoil springs which are "overloaded" with each round fired.  If that is the case, why would leaving the mag loaded have any effect on feeding?

I was having problems with the ejected case catching the case rim of the next round to be loaded, stopping the mechanism.  This happened with several of my four mags (using Remington ball ammo and some Hornady Critical Defence, among others), but changed my cleaning procedure:  I had always been trained to lubricate very lightly "to prevent dust and dirt from accumulating."  I now lubricate liberally and wipe free, but liberally use a top quality lubricant (currently purchased from Ed Brown industries) on slide rails and contact points.  No more problems using Federal and Speer ammo as recommended.
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Re: R9S issues
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2011, 06:50:11 PM »
My understanding is that the mag spring specs were changed a few years back.  ( stiffer?)

I'm sure someone else will verify or correct me on this.