Absolutely. I'm definitely committed to the R9 at this point. I started this thread when I had the Guardian but no R9 yet. Since I made the plunge for the R9, I'm definitely loving it.
Unfortunately, I sent my Guardian back to NAA because the tritium inserts in the guttersnipe sights were dead. They are supposed to call in the next week or so with options, but when originally speaking to the gunsmith on the phone, he told me the guttersnipes were backordered for at least 6 months. He asked if I'd be pleased with Novaks in stead. That would be a stellar swap for me, if it pans out. We shall see.
But in the meantime, I haven't had the chance to shoot, or even hold, both the guardian and the R9 at the same time. The guardian went off before the R9 landed...
I think they are both fine weapons, but the R9 is in a different class in so many ways