I think what you have is some FFLs are making up rules as they go along in order to feather their own nest so to speak. There may be some actual "laws" regarding this subject, operative word may but I think its the law of greed we are dealing with. I like to see laws that are codified and written as a Statute, Ordinance, or rule, I can find no such thing that tells me that I cannot ship a handgun to an FFL as a private citizen, I also cannot find anything that tells me an FFL, weather working out of a storefront or home cannot sell me a handgun directly without another FFL in the middle as long as they make the call and check my background, fill out the appropriate form, then have me wait the waiting period or I can show my Concealed Carry License to forgo the waiting period. I just bought a new pistol and what the FFL is charging me for the transaction on my end is outrageous. I will never do business with him again. In fact I will not walk in his store again.